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Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup


Craft beer is doing some great things lately like teaming up with the Denver Public Library and raising money for local schools and charities (way to go Deschutes). On top of that, there will be more craft beer throughout Pennsylvania thanks to New Belgium, and throughout Colorado thanks to FATE Brewing. Want to find out more? Keep reading to get the details on the latest craft beer news in this edition of the Weekly Growler Fill.

Denver Library Brews a Month of Craft Beer, Coffee and Tea Events

Photo Credit: Denver Public Library

Going by the name of BrewHa!Ha!, the Denver Public Library’s event for the month of September is all about brewing. Would you expect anything less of a library system in one of the best beer cities in the country? It will start off with two beer releases, lessons on brewing kombucha, coffee tasting, and more. One of those beers includes “Sour 641.23” by Denver Beer Company, who developed its business plan by using the library’s small business resources. Today, DBC produces around 5,000 barrels per year! The goal of this month long series is to encourage people to understand the library’s relevance to today’s world – like the resources it was able to provide to DBC. For full details on the story and a list of events, check out the full article on the Denver Public Library website. [Read full article]

New Belgium Makes its Pennsylvania Debut Today

New Belgium to PA
Photo Credit: @newbelgium on Twitter

While many of us across the nation are already enjoying delicious treats such as Fat Tire and Ranger, the people of Pennsylvania have not yet experienced this luxury… until now. Starting today (8/31), New Belgium Brewing Company will begin selling its products in Pennsylvania stores making PA the 39th state added to the brewery’s portfolio. To find stores carrying New Belgium brews, use the brewery’s beer finder. [Read full article]

Elite Brands Partners with FATE Brewing Company

Fate and Elite Brands
Photo Credit: Elite Brands

Starting in September, FATE Brewing will begin distributing its brews throughout the state of Colorado thanks to their new partnership with Elite Brands. The initial beer release will include Laimas Kölsch Style Ale, Moirai India Pale Ale and Uror Gose, along with a selection of other core and specialty brands. You may have heard of the Laimas Kölsch Style Ale since it won this little thing called a Gold Medal at 2014 Great American Beer Festival. No big deal. As for the partnership between FATE and Elite Brands, it sounds like a gold medal winner as well. According to Mike Lawinski, the founder and owner of FATE Brewing, “We are so proud and excited to see what the great state of Colorado holds in the future for our business working in collaboration with Elite Brands. Elite Brands sets the bar when it comes to distribution and customer service and we are proud to be part of their portfolio. We are so thankful to Terry and her team for bringing us on board. It’s going to be a great partnership.”

Deschutes Brewery’s Chicago Street Pub Raises Nearly $70,000 for Alliance for the Great Lakes and Local Schools

Deschutes Street Pub

The folks over at Deschutes are pros when it comes to fundraising for a good cause. Over the past few months, the brewery as been setting up ‘pop-up pubs’ in various cities throughout the US. On August 22, the brewery brought its 402-foot custom, transportable bar to Chicago’s Logan Square, serving 150 kegs to approximately 8,500 people. The one-day-only event donated 100 percent of proceeds to the Alliance and neighborhood schools. This event alone raised $69,762.82, with the combined total from the events raising more than $160,000 total for charity. Make sure to catch the travelling bar when it sets up camp in your city. Next stops include Minneapolis on September 19, Denver on October 17 and Sacramento on November 14. For more information visit or follow the conversation at #StreetPub.

Lonerider Brewing Co.’s Magnificent 77 Sets Record for Most Hop Varieties in a Single Beer

Lonerider Magnificent 77
Photo Credit: Lonerider Brewing Company

A brewery out of Raleigh, NC by the name of Lonerider Brewing Co. is setting a new record in the craft brewniverse. Their beer, Magnificent 77, currently holds the title for the most hop varieties in a single beer. If you didn’t guess it from the name, Magnificent 77 contains 77 different types of hops. While a lot of the beers today are all about the amount of hops in them, Lonerider wanted to created a complex beer with varying amounts of different varieties of hops not just one or two. The intention is to showcase the wonderful world of hops we are living in today. In keeping with the theme, the brew is slated to have 77 IBUs and rings in at about 7.7% ABV. Although you’d expect a beer this hoppy to be a palate wrecker, the folks over at Lonerider are proclaiming Magnificent 77 leans towards the tropical flavors of mango, pineapple, and citrus fruit. Sadly, the beer is already sold out so if you want to get your hands on some, you’ll have to beg the folks over at Lonerider to brew up another batch. [Read full article]

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