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PorchDrinking’s Weekly Denver Beer Beat

Denver Beer Beat

Average Reading Time: [2 min]

I must eat crow about not being very wax poetic on the #DenverBeerBeat this month. There are always lots of amazing events in Denver and everyone puts in so much time brewing the beer, setting up the venue, contacting and contracting guests and throwing great events. BUT, we are really working hard to get our GABF coverage in line for Denver Beer Fest and that is taking up a lot of my time. If you don’t see your event, email and I will make sure to get it up to the readership!

With that being said . . . let’s rage!!!!!!!


Check out these events and many more in the calendar to plan your week accordingly! Cheers to ye and may eternity find us in as good company as this! Stay Thirsty and Keep Denver Beer’d!


The weekly PorchDrinking Denver Beer Beat sheds light on news of openings, special tappings, firkins and one-off batches, bottle releases, dinners, pairings, anniversaries, tap takeovers, cigar things, whiskey stuffs, etc. each and every week.

Cory Pelc is the Denver Editor for Follow him on Instagram and Untappd: @haveabeeraboutit. On Twitter, you can follow along at @haveabeerboutit.

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