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Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup

Anchor Giants Orange Splash Lager

Upslope unveiled plans for a new brewpub, the SF Giants get their own craft beer, and New Belgium is changing the recipes for Abbey and Trippel. These are just a few of the stories dropping this week, read on to get all of the details in this edition of the Weekly Growler Fill.

Upslope Brewing Company Announces New Brewpub Plans

Upslope New Facility

Last Friday, Upslope Brewing Company unveiled its plans for a new brewpub set to open by fall 2017. The brewpub will be a part of the S’park development, a $180 million, 680,000 square-foot project with office space, restaurants, and commercial storefronts. Like its other facilities, the new space will be located in Boulder, CO and will be used for barrel-aging beers, experimental brews, and as a restaurant. Until then, experimental beer production will continue to be run in the Lee Hill facility. [Read full article]

Brewed on the Desert: Homebrewing at Burning Man

Photo Credit: Brian Devine / All About Beer Magazine
Photo Credit: Brian Devine / All About Beer Magazine

Every year for Burning Man, a little city called Black Rock City pops up in the middle of the desert. Within that city, a bunch of homebrewer camps pop up with tents and supplies to make beer for festival goers. Since Burning Man rejects the idea of commerce, brewers make what they love and hand it out for free. The festival is based on the idea of community, sharing art, and letting go, so it only makes sense that these brewers would share their version of art with anyone who will accept. Check out the full article to read more details about some of the individual breweries set up in the desert. [Read full article]

Infinite Monkey Theorem to Sell Its Canned Wine at Whole Foods

Infinite Monkey Theorem Whole Foods
Photo Credit:

No, it’s not beer, but I consider the goods over at Infinite Monkey Theorem the ‘craft’ of wine. Why? Well, because they are breaking away from the norm and serving actually good wine in cans. If you’ve never heard of them, you may get the chance to try out their products soon. The Infinite Monkey Theorem just struck a deal with Whole Foods to sell its canned wine in their stores. The first states to get the wine at Whole Foods include California, Colorado, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Florida, Oregon, Southern California, Texas and Washington state, with more states being added in the future. Expect to see TIMT’s white, red, rosé and Moscato wine in four-packs for $15. [Read full article]

San Francisco Giants Get Their Own Craft Beer

Anchor Giants Orange Splash Lager
Photo Credit: www.7×

Although I have a burning fire of hate for the Giants, I like that they are keeping their beer game strong. The San Francisco Giants recently teamed up with Anchor Brewing Company to create Giants Orange Splash Lager, a beer that will only be served at Anchor’s taproom at AT&T Stadium and a few select bars around SF. Too bad the Giants season won’t last long enough for a lot of fans to try the beer made with Apollo, Bravo, experimental hops and orange zest. Although this beer does sound delicious, all I can say is GO CARDINALS! [Read full article]

New Belgium Changes Recipes for Abbey and Trippel

New Belgium Trippel

New Belgium AbbeyTwo of New Belgium’s classics are updating their recipes to keep up with the times. Abbey and Trippel have been around since the brewery opened way back in 1991 and the company decided that these two brews need a bit of a face lift. The details are outlined in the infographics above, but here’s the short story: Trippel is getting a change up in the malts, yeast, hops, and ABV (going up to 8.5%!) and Abbey is getting a new variety of malts and yeast. If these are some of your favorites, don’t worry, they won’t be changing drastically. Think of more complex, rich beers with a new yeast that shies away from the sweet, candied banana flavors and leans more towards fruity esters and spicy clove. The new recipe brews are out in stores but due to their long shelf life, may be mixed in with some of the oldies but goodies which is great if you want to compare the two recipes. New recipe Trippel has a best by date of April 17, 2016 or later and new recipe Abbey has a best by date of June 19, 2016 or later. [Read full article]

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