Ultimate 6er | Marathon Style

My two passions are craft beer and competitive running. Although I love to drink beer and run races they don’t always agree with each other. The Beer Mile is a race where competitors run four laps around a track while chugging a beer after each lap. The male record is 4:55.78 and the women’s is 6:17.8. This may be a fun challenge but I’m not sure if they are drinking the type of beer I would savor my taste buds with.
On October 18, I am running the Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon in Denver. This week happens to be my toughest week of training and also lands during GABF week. How will I manage to taste as many unique beers as possible while not straying from the plan I have followed for the past 14 weeks? I came up with the perfect 6er that would summarize the excitement and agonizing pain that comes with running a marathon. Each beer is characteristic of a milestone during the 26.1 mile race.
Pre-Race Beer
New Belgium Brewing Co. Slow Ride
Race Day is finally here! The excitement is incredible and you need a tasty refreshing beer that will calm your nerves. Remember not to take off too fast across the starting line and enjoy a Slow Ride session IPA. Many marathoners make the mistake of starting too fast and tiring out early. Before the run enjoy this sessional beer that is a blend of seven hop varieties. With an amazing fruitful aroma this beer will pleasure your taste buds and ease your anxiety before the gun goes off. Just don’t drink too many and forget to line up!
6.2 Miles
Avery Brewing Co. White Rascal
Here is your first big milestone, running the first 10K of the marathon. The wind is blowing through your hair and you feel like running for days. Run like the rascal you are after drinking a White Rascal. This unfiltered Belgian wheat is spiced with additions of coriander and orange peel. As a nice refreshing compliment to a fall morning it will also help you forget about the grueling 20 miles that lay ahead of you.
13.1 Miles
Odell Brewing Co. Loose Leaf
Hooray half way there! You still have a ways to go so don’t over extend yourself and remember to stay loose. A good choice of refreshment to drink is a Leaf Session Ale. You still need to stay somewhat coherent so partaking in this 4.5% beer won’t totally distract you from your final goal. This crisp refreshing beer has some flavorful hoppy tastes that will motivate any hophead for the beer that waits at the finish line.
20 Miles
Boulder Beer Co. Hazed and Infused
Marathoners say around mile 20 runners have to rely on their mind to pull them through because the body is so exhausted it wants to quit. Sixteen weeks of training pays off in these last critical 6 miles. Before getting “marathon brain” get “hazed” with Hazed and Infused. This flagship dry hopped amber ale from Colorado’s first microbrewery is sure to make you forget what you are doing with flavorful and aromatic hop qualities. Just don’t get too hazed. If any beer can carry you through the next 6 miles this is it.
26.1 Miles
Stone Brewing Co. Ruination IPA
You accomplished your dreams and finished a marathon! Time to reward yourself with a Ruination IPA. Well known as one of the hoppiest beers brewed, Ruination’s 8.5% ABV will help you forget the pain your body is currently enduring. The big, bold and bitter character will help your muscles to relax as you probably can’t walk anyway.
Post Run Beer
Boulevard Brewing Co. Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale
French and Belgian farmers used to treat their farmers to refreshing farmhouse ales during the hot summer months of farming. After a gruelingly hot marathon every runner needs a good quality refreshing beer. Coming in at 8.5% Tank 7 is full of crisp complex flavors that will add to the enjoyment of finishing a 4-hour run. You just beat up your body. Give it a gift and booze up.
I will not be drinking these during my marathon nor do I recommend it. Save them for your post-run party and reminisce on the pain you just put your body through.
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