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Welcome to the InterNEAT! Vol. 110

Welcome to the InterNEAT! Vol. 110
Alex Cadice

Happy Tuesday, everyone! How goes it? No need to dilly-dally. Let’s get to today’s InterNEAT treats!

Fall is upon us. Make sure to get as much top-down convertible dancing in as possible.

Handstands in your car: Okay. Lip-syncing while driving in your car. Not okay.

That’s one way to get a message across. Here’s another!


If that commercial doesn’t make you want to marathon the old episodes, you don’t have a pulse. That doesn’t exactly mean you’re dead. We’re dealing with the X-Files after all.

Sure, he may not be Morgan Freeman or James Earl Jones, but James Spader has one of the most iconic voices in the game today.

And Dave Grohl makes his pitch as America’s No. 1 sweetheart, the opposite of Ultron, bringing to the stage the guy that beat him in a high school Battle of the Bands. Your move, Chris.

See you in a .gif, Alex

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