PorchDrinking Playlist | Mix Tape Vol. 1

I recently had the pleasure of teaching a class of fourth graders about entrepreneurship. I discussed innovation and attempted to make the connection about how this has improved the way we do things. Now, these kids were full of energy and very bright, but I was able to blow their collective minds.
How do you impress a class full of 4th graders in the year 2015? I gave the group a brief history of streaming music. I detailed early live concerts, radio, vinyl, cassettes, CD’s and, of course, the iPod. I knew they may be puzzled by the concept of a cassette tape, but to my surprise it was the iPod that gave many a raised eyebrow. Now I’m feeling very old!
I still look back fondly reminiscing about making a mix tape on both cassettes and recordable CD’s, spending hours putting together that cohesive combination for the perfect occasion. The process of finding the right blend of songs can be comparable to pairing your favorite porter with a nice steak. Sometimes they work great and sometimes they fall short. It’s a lot easier these days, put my ‘old’ 160G iPod on shuffle, jot down songs as they come on, pick several that seem to pay well together and enjoy! So to commemorate that trip down memory lane, here’s Mix Tape Vol. 1.
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