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Goose Island Beer Co. | Bourbon County Brand Stout (2014)

Bourbon County Brand Stout 2014
Gregory Acero

Style: Imperial Stout Aged in Bourbon Barrels
ABV: 14.4% | IBU: 60

Goose Island’s Black Friday release has come and gone, for many Americans that signifies standing in line at stores for crazy deals and price slashes on household items, toys and electronics. But for the craft beer drinkers, Black Friday is not about the reduced prices of televisions or laptops. It is the one day that Goose Island releases their Bourbon County Brand Beers; it is the one Black Friday item worth waiting for. So to commemorate the 2015 Goose Island Bourbon County release, let us take a flashback Friday to the release of Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Stout 2014.

I was lucky enough to acquire this amazing stout through a trade! I actually didn’t know that it was from 2014, so when I opened the box and saw the year I was extremely ecstatic. This was my first time ever drinking Goose Island’s BCBS.

(Read more: The Story Behind 2015 Goose Island BCBS Rare)

Bourbon County Brand Stout 2014This stout poured a jet black color with a nice thin brown head. The sweet aroma of bourbon, coffee, vanilla and chocolate had my nose dancing. The delicious taste of chocolate, bourbon booziness, coffee, caramel, vanilla and roasted malt made for a great tasting beer. I still remember taking that first sip, two words: Liquid Silk. It was incredibly smooth and lightly carbonated and I also loved that towards the end of the sip it had a hint of a bourbon burn to it. A perfectly balanced stout that has the bourbon and the assortment of flavors complimenting each other.

So what goes into making this great stout? This is what is listed on their website:

Hops: Willamette

Malts: 2-Row, Munich, Chocolate, Caramel, Roast Barley and Debittered black

BCBS and variants are limited in quantities and released once a year, so it’s understandable why so many people stand in line waiting for this amazing stout.

(Read more: The Entire 2015 Bourbon County Brand Stout Lineup)

Bourbon County Brand Stout

This bourbon barrel stout is top notch! I wish I was closer to Chicago so that I could purchase multiple bottles of this amazing brew. I hope everyone has a safe and great holiday!

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