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Uinta Brewing Company | King’s Peak Porter

Uinta Brewing Company | King’s Peak Porter

ABV: 4%

The Winnebago Adventurer that I call home is parked 15 minutes from North America’s largest ski resort. This is no coincidence.

Since I bought my “Dirtbag Dreamship” last summer and parked it here October 1, the winterizing projects have been non-stop—fixing a broken furnace, heat-taping water hoses, insulating shit-pipes, installing a wood stove. But now these projects are done. It’s time for a beer, and the beer I choose tonight is King’s Peak Porter from Salt Lake City’s Uinta Brewing Company.

The temps have dipped into the single digits every night this week, and nothing on the ‘Bago is dead, broken or frozen, even after running out of propane last night. It’s nice to finally have a night with nothing to do but sit back with a beer and listen to my Detroit Lions, on satellite radio, trying to sweep the Green Bay Packers for the first time since I was seven years old. And this is the perfect beer for it.

Named after Utah’s highest point, which is not too far from here, King’s Peak is roasty, chocolatey and creamy. It would pair perfectly with grilled venison backstrap, beef stew, stinky cheese or dark chocolate—too bad the only thing left in my Halloween candy bowl is yellow Laffy Taffy.

Since moving to Utah nearing two years ago I’ve been a big fan of Uinta’s beer, and this one is no exception. It’s ideal for relaxing fireside after a long ski day or listening to the Lions beating the Packers, as it were. Like all Uinta beer, King’s Peak’s label features beautiful, visually striking artwork—stylized outdoor scenes in bold colors.

More importantly, though, it’s just good, smooth and rich. As long as I have a few of these savory beers, a working furnace and full tank of propane, I say bring on the cold. And as always, bring on the snow.

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