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Reuben’s Brews | Robust Porter

Reuben's Brews Robust Porter
Brad Hartsock

5.9% ABV | 30 IBU

I’m a big believer in a relaxing Sunday, especially after a busy Saturday. A recent Saturday definitely fit that bill with a 4 dog trip to the dog park, Michigan vs. Michigan State, Rib Fest at Peddler’s Brewing and finally an 8-person, round-robin euchre tournament. So I debated (briefly) doing something productive on Sunday but decided football, my couch and pizza leftovers were about all I could commit to. Basically I was trying to achieve the American male version of what the Danish call hygge, a particular kind of relaxed coziness.

Needless to say, a tasty beverage would only help in this goal: something warming, rich and satisfying to slowly sip. Reuben’s Brews Robust Porter, which has been collecting awards since the brewery opened in 2012, seemed like a perfect choice.

The beer lives up to its robust billing from the start, pouring a deep brown with a creamy tan head like it has some weight. Roast malts are the star in both aroma and flavor that’s nutty and slightly sweet with notes of caramel and toffee. The mouthfeel certainly has some body, but it’s not a meal in a glass, pleasantly drinkable and very satisfying. At 5.9% ABV, it’s a great option if you’re looking for something on the darker side without venturing into the land of higher caliber brews.

Basically, it was the perfect option for my quite Sunday night at home. As well done as this beer is though, I can guarantee Sundays won’t be the only time I’ll find a Robust Porter in my glass.

Looking for something a bit bigger from Reuben’s? They announced yesterday that they’ll be releasing their highly acclaimed Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout, which won gold medals at the 2013 and 2015 World Beer Championships, this upcoming Saturday, December 19. The 22 oz bottles will sell for $15 at the brewery taproom which is located in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, WA. The release will also feature tappings of the 2013 and 2014 versions of BBIS as well.

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