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Uinta Brewing Co | Port O’ Call

Uinta Brewing Co | Port O’ Call

Average Reading Time: 2 minutes

ABV 9.4%

Beer is an adventure! We have been incredibly lucky to have explored new beer all over this country. Craft beer has pushed the limits expanding an ever growing list of styles and methods for creating beer. Many of our favorite breweries have launched many innovative techniques paving the way for the continued success of the whole scene. Pioneers in marketing Stone Brewing Company boasts arrogance and complete hoppy dominance. Goose Island Brewery paved the way for all of the barrel aged goodness we all crave. When we heard Uinta Brewing Company released a Port Wine barrel aged brew, we couldn’t pack our bags fast enough.

We recently toured the Salt Lake City based Uinta and were excited to hear about all of the new beers on the horizon. Port O’ Call is described as a Belgian Style Dark Ale aged in Port Wine Barrels. Port wine originating from Portugal is typically a red wine with a sweet flavor generally served during dessert. These wine barrels have started to pick up steam in the craft beer world as local favorites Wasatch Brewing and national powerhouses The Bruery and 3 Floyds have released Port barrel versions of their beer.

Port O’ Call pours raison brown with a clean white head that lasts only a few moments. We immediately pick up the scent of sweet dates, but as this brew warms the room begins to fill with plum and barrel. The initial taste will surprise most people because you expect a heavy mouth feel, however the thinner body compliments the sweet raison palate. Uinta walks the tight rope between the dark ale and a sweet quad. Port O’ Call would be a perfect stop at the end of a nice meal.

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