Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup

Sam Adams brewers lose a bet, Short’s announces expanded distribution, and Fort Collins Brewery has a new image. These are just a few of the latest stories in the craft brewniverse. Keep reading to find out more in this edition of the Weekly Growler Fill.
Short’s Brewing to Distribute Outside of Michigan
In a letter penned to the faithful fans of Short’s Brewing, founder Joe Short announced that the Michigan-based brewery will soon start distributing outside of the state. He explained the choice to expand needed to be made in order to support the growth of the brewery. Joe also noted that Short’s would continue to supply high-quality and delicious craft beer. Out of state distribution begins February 5th.
Sam Adams Brewers Lose Bet With DBC & Shave BEERds
Brewers from Sam Adams and Denver Beer Company bet their beards on the AFC Championship game. If you weren’t able to figure it out, Team Sam Adams was rooting for the Patriots and Team DBC was rooting for the Broncos. Let’s just say that after that game, the folks at Sam Adams were a lot less hairy. [Read full article]
Left Hand Releases Hard Wired Nitro
Left Hand Brewing is a company that refuses to quit innovating. The latest product of their creative vision is Hard Wired Nitro – a seasonal nitro coffee porter. Brewed with 650 pounds of custom coffee per batch, Hard Wired Nitro is a gratifying blend of your morning cup of coffee and your 5 o’ clock beer. The new brew will be available in limited quantities for early spring, distributed throughout Left Hand’s 35 state footprint this February. Check out the infographic below for tasting notes and other details. [Read full article]
Fort Collins Brewery Kicks Off Savor Series and Announces Re-branding
Fort Collins Brewery is making some big changes, starting with their brand. A few weeks back, the brewery announced that they would launching an extensive rebrand. The update is not limited to the look but also includes the taste of the beer. Under the direction of general manager and co-owner Tina Peters, FCB will be tweaking their recipes and adding some new brews to the year round lineup, featured below. The core lineup will launch in March of this year with subsequent seasonal and special releases rolling out in 2016.
The first of those special releases is the Savor Series, which just kicked off with American-Style Barley Wine. Shaun Salyards, FCB Brewer, explains that, “barley wines tend to lean towards overwhelming alcohol or sweet flavors. So, we’re aiming to brew a beer that has extreme elements but remains balanced.” Brewed with Columbus hops and dry-hopped with El Dorado, the American-Style Barley Wine has 10.5% ABV and produces a robust mouthfeel with hop notes along the way to produce a remarkably smooth finish. By dry hopping the Barley Wine, FCB adds aromas of tropical fruits and piney resin that put a twist on the fruit forward body of this boozy beer. Brews in the Savor Series will be available in 500ml bottles and you can grab the American-Style Barley Wine in liquor stores this month. [Read full article]

Illinois Man Pleads Guilty to Stealing 1800 Cases of Beer, Sentenced to 3 Years
In 2012, Thomas Gibbons from Melrose Park, IL rented a truck and stole 1800 cases of Miller beer. Fast forward to the present, Gibbons recently plead guilty to stealing the 1800 cases of beer and was sentenced to three years in jail. He was caught after police issued a search warrant for the warehouse where he stashed the lot. Upon inspection, they found 22 pallets of Miller products. Come on Thomas, if you’re going to steal beer, at least opt for something of slightly higher quality.
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