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New Belgium Brewing | Lips of Faith Golden Ale With Hof Ten Dormaal

New Belgium Lips of Faith Golden Ale brewed with Hof Ten Dormaal

ABV 7%

If you live in Colorado like I do, you may be thinking that it isn’t actually spring just yet. Not with the weather we’ve been having lately, at least. That’s why New Belgium Brewing and Belgium’s Hof Ten Dormaal‘s latest Lips of Faith series perfectly symbolizes the yearning that some may have for the summer months. It’s a golden ale brewed with spelt, malted sunflower seeds, wild carrot herbs, Saaz and Mosaic hops.

This ale pours a lovely golden straw color with a thin and slightly off-white head. On the nose, you get some of the sweet malt that usually accompanies a golden ale with a hint of something else–almost an earthy, peppery and fruity undertone.

The taste follows through with a bright and slightly tropical sweetness that is perfect for the spring months where Colorado can finally say “goodbye” to the snow.

new belgium lips of faith golden ale
Image Courtesy of New Belgium Brewing

While it stays true to its Belgian heritage and flavor profile, you can still catch some of the more savory and nutty notes from the additional adjuncts. Honestly, Belgian beers seem to be often overlooked by some of the more serious craft beer drinkers, but I think this addition to the Lips of Faith series really embodied what a ‘New World’ and classic golden ale would taste like.

New Belgium Lips of Faith Golden Ale will be on draft and as a four-pack 12 ounce bottle offering come April 4, 2016.

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