PorchDrinking Playlist | Happy Traffic Playlist

We’ve all had to deal with pains of good ol’ traffic at one point or another. Whether your facing down a daily commute, or accidentally take the wrong exit only to inch your way through a bumper to bumper gridlock, we’ve created a playlist that will make your wait a bit more bearable. While you may not have control over the speed at which you lurch to your destination, you do have control over the amount of groove you pack into that time.
‘Happy Traffic’ will not only lift your spirits, its slightly electro twist will transform your car into a full on private dance party (we know you’re carpooling, of course). Or, if you’re in the mood for some impromptu karaoke behind the wheel, we’ve for you covered. The next time you find yourself stuck in a standstill, roll down your windows to let the breeze roll through and just press play. You’ll find yourself there in no time, happy driving!
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