Vernal Brewing Co. | Not Your Mama’s Milk

ABV 8.5%
The city of Vernal is located in northeast Utah and just a short 20 miles west of the Colorado border. Vernal Brewing Company is located comfortably in downtown Vernal. Being that close to the Centennial State makes us wonder if there is a significant Coloradan influence on VBC’s craft beers. After doing a little research, the beer from VBC may harness the force of the community of Vernal itself. Based on the label art, you can see they are deeply rooted in hard work and passionate for recreation. Prime examples are their Allosaurus Amber, Pilgrimage Extra Pale and one of our favorites, Directional Smoked Porter.
Vernal Brewing Company is a relatively new Utah craft brewery and has quietly built a strong and loyal following. We say ‘quietly’, until recently when they introduced their higher ABV beers. Once this happened, demand for their cold ones increased immensely as local beer fans clamor to get the next new thing.
The king of the crop for VBC is the imperial milk stout, Not Your Mama’s Milk. Although we enjoyed .50 Caliber IPA, once we tried this milk stout we were instantly blown away. Its pour mimics a finely ground expresso with a razor thin head. This beer doesn’t have the usual dry milk stout aroma either, instead a greeting of light, sweet hazelnut. Upon first sip we can’t help but say ‘wow’ as we are thrown for a loop. Hidden in the creamy mouth feel are exaggerated notes of dark chocolate complimenting smooth roasted malts. This is nothing like any of the milk stouts we have tried in the past; it’s velvety, without the nitro. The 8.5% alcohol is sneaky as you can only momentarily sense the presence right before the liquid hits your mouth. We wish we could tell you what it tastes like as it warms up, but this is so damn good, it will never last long enough.
Vernal Brewing Company will definitely be a tourist stop for us next time we decide to head to Colorado and make a fishing-dinosaur bone seeking-beer tasting break along the way.
Chris & Sylvia are a #craftbeercouple who love everything beer! Check them out on Instagram @chrishollands & @sylily.
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