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What We’re Drinking | June 3rd, 2016

What We’re Drinking | June 3rd, 2016
Lanie Novack

Many a thing pair beautifully with our beloved beverage, beer. Cheese, pie, porch swings, macaroons, bacon, campfires, you name it — there’s probably been a beer pairing for it. Personally, my favorite thing to pair with beer has always been dessert… but what about when the beer is so wonderfully decadent that it is, in fact, a dessert? Yes please. This can easily be said about Westbrook Brewing’s recently released Mexican Cake — a highly sought-after imperial stout aged on cocoa nibs, vanilla beans, habanero peppers, and cinnamon sticks. This is one you don’t want to miss, folks.

The PorchDrinking team has been busy researching (drinking) all week long to make sure you have the beer-iest, most beautiful weekend possible. See what else we’re excited about below. Cheers to liquid dessert. *clink*


Mango Verdure | Brother’s Craft Brewing

img_20160528_190217-min (1)

“Lovely tart, refreshing drink perfect for the rising temperatures. A very deft approach to using the sweet mango balanced by the sharp, effervescent mouthfeel.”  — Scott Johnson

West Latitude | Beer Camp | Sierra Nevada

West Latitude Session Rye-min

“A nice beer camp pick. Very balanced with hibiscus and enough depth with the rye — it is my post-dinner drink on an 80-degree day!” — Stacey Goers

Heavy Mettle | Trillium Brewing Company

Trillium Brewing - Heavy Mettle

“This double IPA out of Boston is just insanely good. I’m not sure what combo of hops creates this pineapple/grapefruit hybrid. Supremely balanced and refreshing. Hey and it’s ‘heavy metttttle’ as Cory would say in his self proclaimed bad British accent!  Cheers!” — Chris Hollands

Mexican Cake | Westbrook Brewing

Mexican Cake 2016

“Happy Mexican Cake Day! The infamous Westbrook beer hit distro today and we are soaking it up. Fuller mouth feel, deep cocoa flavors with that signature spice and cinnamon back note.” — Danele Bova

BIBO Pilsner | Creature Comforts Brewing Co.


“Enjoying the fresh design of Creatures Comforts’ newest can and that fantastic Pilsner it protects! #LoveAtFirstSud” — John Pylant

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