PorchDrinking Playlist | Summer Sun

It’s officially summer and the sun’s out, temps are rising, and we’re looking forward to endless patio beers, creekside camping spots, and long mountain drives. In this week’s PorchDrinking playlist, we’ve got 15 songs for the summer sun — for yard games in the park, hammocking in the shade, and those long drives to the mountains or lake for the best weekend adventures.
This mix has a lot of great stuff. Local Natives are back with a new album this fall, and their new stuff including Villainy is all the same sound they’ve perfected previously, but with significantly less sadness. The Midnight (a joint project with producer Tim McEwan and songwriter Tyler Lyle) screams summer in all of it’s synth, saxophone, and 80s glory. Robert Ellis‘ new album leaves behind the smokey, drunken nights in dive bars for a take on cross country moves and breakups from the same un-country country style (thanks Chris Stapleton and Sturgill Simpson,) which is getting it’s getting it’s much overdue appreciation. The new album from the Fruit Bats, Absolute Loser, is made for driving with the windows down. And Christine and the Queen’s iT is perfect for every hot and humid night.
There’s tons more to enjoy on this mix, so tell us, what’s your favorite summer jam?
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