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What We’re Drinking | July 8th, 2016

What We’re Drinking | July 8th, 2016
Lanie Novack

Alas, it is Friday. Despite the extended holiday weekend, I’m sure this week dragged on for most given the inevitable hangover we all tackled on Tuesday. Fear not, beer lovers. This weekend is chock-full of beer and good times. Here’s what we’ve been drooling over lately. *clink*

Briney Melon Gose | Anderson Valley Brewing Company

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“Anderson Valley’s Briney Melon Gose is always exactly what I want to drink by the campfire, especially after a 7-mile hike in the Mt. Sneffles Wilderness.” — Courtney Allen

Grapefruit Nuclear Nugget | Lickinghole Creek Craft Brewery

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“There are IPAs that use grapefruit tasting hops. Then there are IPAs that taste like grapefruit. Then there is an IPA that tastes like macerated grapefruit flesh, zest, and pith that is then bruleed and you get Grapefruit Nuclear Nugget. Not for the faint of heart.” — Scott Johnson

Hop vs Hop | Proper Brewing Co.

Proper Brewing Co - Hop vs Hop

“This series intends to put two hops in the ring and duke it out. This round is Mandarina vs Dorado.  The nose on this beer is a wow factor 10!  As soon as you crack the cap, a floral mist takes over the area. The beautiful copper hue is complemented with a flavor that matches perfectly. We look forward to the next round. Cheers!” — Chris & Sylvia Hollands

Nightcap | Crooked Stave Artisan Beer Project

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“Having a 2014 Crooked Stave Nightcap to cap off the end of this Italy-Germany Euro Cup game. Burgundy sour ale aged in bourbon barrels with cherries, cacao nibs, and coffee.” — K.C. Cunilio

Supplication | Russian River Brewing Company

Russian River Brewing Co - Supplication

“Bottled nearly two years ago. This is one of Sylvia and my favorite Sours from RR. I had a small Pinot Noir thing after seeing the movie Sideways. You can really pick up the barrel. Always great!  Cheers!” — Chris & Sylvia Hollands

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