The Weekly Buzz | August 26th – September 1st

There has been lots of news to comb through this week. Tax breaks were enacted, archaic beer laws were scrapped, and possible brewing industry job cuts loom on the horizon. You’ll find all that (plus other announcements and silliness) right here in this weeks’ edition of The Weekly Buzz!
No matter which side of the aisle you sit on, we can all agree that both candidates could use a dose of the herbs in this “truth serum”.
A toast to the women who can outdrink any man and school them on beer knowledge at the same time. You know who you are. Cheers!
Happy Women's Equality Day! #Trainwreck #Yards #BrewUntoOthers
— Yards Brewing Co. (@yardsbrew) August 26, 2016
Is anyone really surprised by this one?
Beer giant AB InBev is believed to be planning 5,500 job cuts after SABMiller takeover
— Bloomberg (@business) August 26, 2016
This is an AMAZING tool to brush up on your American beer history!
Interactive timeline of U.S. brewery growth 1873-2015 –
— Brewers Association (@BrewersAssoc) August 28, 2016
There isn’t much we love more than seeing breweries help those in need.
We collected 1300 lbs of non-perishable food items & toiletries so far for flood relief. Thanks to our donors!
— Abita Beer (@TheAbitaBeer) August 31, 2016
I’d probably just end up trying to suck the wort out of the board…
I’d definitely go to Pittsburgh for this (and a few dozen local brews)!
A local group goes public with plans to build a national beer museum here: @BrewMuseum
— Bob Batz Jr. (@bobbatzjr) August 30, 2016
If you didn’t like either team in the game, what would you wear to a tailgate party?
This could mean serious growth for an already strong brewing state!
Pennsylvania Guild (@BrewersofPA) Secures #Beer Tax Credit –
— Brewers Association (@BrewersAssoc) August 26, 2016
Mashing in a huge collaboration beer is an 8-person job!
Mashing in our collaboration beer with @StoneBrewingCo and @FirestoneWalker #ELCaminoUnReal #darkstrong.
— 21st Amendment (@21stAmendment) August 30, 2016
Bell’s Two Hearted Ale is has some new art on its aluminum jacket! What do you think of its new duds?
Two Hearted in its new packaging. 16 oz. cans ready for #BellsCanAdventures everywhere.
— Bell's Brewery (@BellsBrewery) August 31, 2016
What do you think this growth means for the future of craft beer?
Brewery Count Reaches Historic High – #craftbeer
— Brewers Association (@BrewersAssoc) August 30, 2016
Another brewery hitting the shelves with an all-new look! Fashion Week ain’t got nothin’ on craft beer!
We're beyond excited and proud to introduce our new packaging redesign! #offcentered #craftbeer
— Dogfish Head Brewery (@dogfishbeer) August 26, 2016
I sense a lot of new Quads and Barleywines heading our way from the Buckeye state!
Craft brewers in Ohio now have the freedom to make boozier beers #craftbeer #beer
— WTOP Living (@WTOPLiving) August 31, 2016
I wish that I could Face Swap with a beer. It would be like the movie Face Off, except way more intoxicating!
So I successfully face swapped with a @Boulevard_Beer today
— KaTiE (@Ur_short_king) August 30, 2016
Plenty of breweries have yoga events, but STAR WARS yoga?!?! My inner beer nerd and Sci-Fi nerd are fighting over who gets to order tickets! "Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force."
— Flying Dog Brewery (@FlyingDog) September 1, 2016
Donate to a good cause AND enter to win a kick-ass bike! I’m not seeing a downside!
Say whaaaa? Donate + getchurself entered to win a brank spankin' new @REEBcycles bike
— Can'd Aid (@CANdAid) September 1, 2016
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