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PorchDrinking’s Weekly Denver Beer Beat | September 7th, 2016

Denver Beer Beat

The Denver Beer Beat sheds light on news of brewery openings, special tappings, firkins and one-off batches, bottle releases, dinners, pairings, etc.

Go to the Calendar now

Anniversaries – Shout out to the homies of the foam over at Ska Brewing, Wit’s End Brewing and Sanitas Brewing as they are all celebrating their anniversaries this week!

Beer Dinners/BrunchAvery Brewing @ Arugula (Boulder), and Renegade’s Pancakes Release Party.

Beer Education/PairingsButcherknife Meet The BrewerTruffle Cheese Shop with CKBC, Ciders & Sides with Dead Dog Chocolate & Stem Ciders and MouCo Cheese with Alpine Dog.

Bottle/Can Releases
Lee Hill Series Vol. 9 – BA Dopplebock, Grapefruit Endpoint, Pow Day IPA, Grist’s Oktoberfest, BA Golden Strong Ale, SuperDuper Fan, and 2016 Avarice.

FestivalsSummer Beer Festival, Tour De Fat (Denver), and Ska’s 21st Anniversary.

Firkins/Casks/Special TappingsLostOberFest, Jaded Strawberries Stout, Cascade Fresh Hop, Ocean of Noise GoseNational Sour Day at AveryPalisade Peach Golden Ale, Tandem Jetpack Double IPA, and Hot Tamales Cider Firkin.

Grand Openings – Patience young mash-paddle-wan, patience. The force is strong with late September/early October openings.

Tap TakeoversFirestone Walker.

Check out these events and many more on our Denver Beer Beat calendar! You can export events to your iCal and/or sort them by your favorite brewery/beer bar, by the day or by the topic with a quick search for key words.

Whatever you plan to do, make sure you plan appropriate transportation and drink responsibly… use two hands. Don’t drink and drive!

Cheers to ye and may eternity find us in as good company as this! Stay Thirsty and Keep Denver Beer’d!

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