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The Weekly Buzz | September 16th – September 22nd

Weekly Buzz
Dan Bortz

This week was chock full of event announcements, new beer releases, and breweries giving back to the community. Hmm, am I forgetting anything? Only the grand opening of Stone’s location in Berlin, and a legendary collaboration brew that took place there! Ladies, gentlemen and children of all ages (but preferably over 21), this is The Weekly Buzz!


Love those briny treats from the sea? You can pair them with some craft brews at this event!

Look out Germany! The Americans are invading… with craft beer!

Fresh fruit and beautiful foeders… Such funky, funky potential…

We’d probably be more excited if they were full of beer, but a brewery expansion is pretty great, too!

Who wants to carpool to Michigan to snag some?

Weekly Buzz

Have we mentioned how much we LOVE to see craft brewers giving back?

How many of you fanny-pack-wearing tourists plan on making the trip this year?

Definitely keep up with Founders’ trip to hop harvest. Guaranteed high Alpha Acid content!

Another big event coming up. Are you going?

Another brewery doing charity work? We’re starting to get the feels!

Do you lay beer down for a special occasion, or drink it right away?

This is one of the darkest chain letters I’ve ever seen… Spine tingling to say the least!

Weekly Buzz

That’s the face of someone who is STOKED to have been elected!

Another brewery is at the hop farm for harvest. Who doesn’t love this time of year?

Another great event coming up! Get those tickets!

What got these craft beer legends under one roof?

…They brewed up something really special at Stone Brewing in Berlin!

Another brewery lending a helping hand? Where are the kleenex? I’m getting misty over here…

I’m sure the pumpkin spice latte crowd is already lining up!

Weekly Buzz

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