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Former U.S. President Bill Clinton to Speak at New Belgium Brewing

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton to Speak at New Belgium Brewing

It was announced earlier today via The Coloradoan, that former U.S. President Bill Clinton will speak at a rally at New Belgium Brewing in Fort Collins on behalf of his wife and Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.

The 42nd President of the United States will address crowd goers at the country’s fourth largest craft brewery Friday afternoon from 4-6pm. Doors open at 2:30pm on Friday and those looking to attend the event can RVSP via the Clinton campaign website.

The announcement comes just days after a flood of Trump rallies Greeley on Sunday at The Ranch in Loveland on Wednesday and today outside of Fort Collins. Clinton’s visit also follows a high profile visit from Eric Trump to Yuengling Brewing in Pottsville, PA last week. Yuengling owner Richard ‘Dick’ Yuengling Jr came under fire for openly endorsing the Trump campaign stating “Our guys are behind your father. We need him in there.”

In honor of Friday’s upcoming rally at New Belgium we decided to pair a few New Belgium beers with President Bill Clinton.


Shift Pale Lager New Belgium Brewing


This easy drinking pale lager perfectly embodies the working man’s beer. Under Bill Clinton’s tenure, Americans went back to work, experiencing the lowest unemployment rate in 40 years. Unemployment went from 7% in 1993 when Clinton entered office and dropped to 4% in 2000. Shift is just the blue collar beer for blue collar Americans after a long day’s work.

Accumulation White IPA New Belgium Brewing


Accumulation was perhaps best representation of what the Clinton administration aimed to reduce, when it came to debt. Under Clinton’s watch the U.S. paid off over $360 billion in national debt and the U.S. experienced the lowest poverty rate in 20 years. This white IPA is light, refreshing, and a breath of fresh air, exactly what the nation felt after a strong era of economic growth.

ranger ipa New Belgium Brewing


A big bold IPA that also maintains balance, is extremely representative of Clinton’s approach when it came to enacting AmeriCorps as part of the Corporation for National and Community Service, as well as putting over 10,000 more law enforcement officers to work and also protecting more acres of American land than any other U.S. President. Bill Clinton is a ranger for our streets, for our communities and in safeguarding U.S. land.

Sunshine Wheat New Belgium Brewing

Sunshine Wheat

Sure President Clinton also experienced low points during his Presidency early on with combat in Somalia and Rwanda as well as the well-documented impeachment trials toward the end of his term, but on the whole the Clinton administration brought about tremendous domestic economic growth.

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