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The Weekly Buzz | January 20 – 26

Weekly Buzz
Dan Bortz

The NFL conference championships have been decided, and the Pro Bowl is this weekend. Does anyone watch the Pro Bowl? Anyone? Since none of you watch it, this will be a great weekend to head out and discover some new craft beers. When you find them, definitely mail them to me. I want all of them. The Weekly Buzz is ready to point you in all the right directions!

There’s a little pre-Super Bowl bonus content at the bottom, so make sure you read to the end!

We can finally start doing some interplanetary brewing!

If anything happens to that building, the Lehigh Valley beer scene will be OVER.

I sense a bit of Inauguration Day social commentary…

These are probably “Alternative Facts.”

Heads up, Florida!

Soon to appear in stores near you (if you live in CO)!

Hold onto your hats Illinois! New beers coming your way!

Job fair! Beer job fair!

New beer alert!

Me want to go to there!

A beer event happening this weekend!

Will someone make this for me?

Better late than never!

More beer jobs!

If this contained alcohol, I’d start running marathons.

This new beer is fresh off the bottling line!

A new collaboration is in progress!

Since there’s no reason to go to Heinz Field anymore…

Who wants to go for a beer and a schwitz?

Think what that yeast could be doing right now…

I can’t wait for you to brew it either.

As advertised: This is your pre-Super Bowl bonus content!

Weekly BuzzWeekly Buzz

Weekly Buzz

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