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Three Taverns Brewery | White Hops

Three Taverns Brewery | White Hops
Sarah Duffy

ABV: 6.5% | IBU: 55

For me, porch drinking and beer are synonymous with family. My favorite beer of ALL time happens to be Three Taverns Brewery White Hops, which was introduced to me by my brother. For many of us, beer is deeply rooted in the emotion and stories associated with it, which is why I’m so drawn to Three Taverns White Hops.

White Hops takes me back to family, camaraderie, fun and a love of shared interests, back to when my brother first introduced me to world of beer. He has since moved to another city, and yet, every time I taste White Hops, it takes me back to a time I really loved, when my brothers and I (yes, I have two of them and it’s a real chore!) spent a lot of time together doing the things we enjoyed. I’ve been told by more than one outside party that when the three of us get together, we have our own language of inside jokes that make no sense to everyone else, but we’re having a really coherent conversation consisting mainly of Arrested Development/The Office/Parks and Rec quotes.

Three Taverns Brewery

White Hops is, as you might have deduced already, a Belgian-style white IPA. It pours a beautiful, cloudy, honey color and it tastes like happy. But if I have to get technical, it has a slightly fruity, citrusy, grapefruity flavor with the perfect amount of hops. A mild hoppiness, I’d say, but everyone has a different level of hop tolerance. According to Three Taverns, “White Hops… tak[es] its name from a mysterious and controversial Atlanta malt beverages sold in 1898. No one knows what the original tasted like, so we used our imaginations and a Belgian yeast strain to concoct a white IPA, brewed with wheat malt, Citra hops, spices and grapefruit peel.” Now I need to find out more about this mysterious historical beverage (fair warning for a future post)!

To my knowledge, Three Taverns beers are currently only distributed in Georgia, and are available in a six-pack or draft. Check out their awesome map to find a store or restaurant that carries their brews closest to you. Seriously, please do – I promise you won’t be disappointed!

Andy Bernard once said, “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” And that’s what White Hops is to me, a portal to the good old days.


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