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What We’re Drinking | February 17, 2017

What We're Drinking
Dan Bortz

It doesn’t seem like many PorchDrinkers indulged this week. I know I didn’t. The combination of my work schedule and my weight-loss goals have had me abstaining since Saturday. This week we praise the intrepid few. Four beer warriors have kept up the good fight while others could not. This is What We’re Drinking.

Maybe a more appropriate title would be What Jose, Mathew, Danele, and Josh are Drinking. Nah. That doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Imperial Biscotti Break | Evil Twin Brewing Co.

What We're Drinking
“Dark and thick like motor oil with a toasty sweetness and a small hint of almond but not really very intense. Delicious stout would go great with a biscotti! Yes, I paired it with Girl Scout cookies (Samoas and Smores), and no I have no shame” – Jose Minaya

Rum Barrel-Aged Death By Coconut | Oskar Blues Brewery

What We're Drinking
“Lightly toasted coconut, rum, lightly roasted malt and of course a touch of sweetness to round it all out. This is incredible easily in my top ten beers ever. Naturally had to pair it with Samoas the coconut plays together and the caramel sweetness takes this to a whole new level!” – Jose Minaya

Pinball | Two Brothers Artisan Brewing

What We're Drinking
“A billion post-boil hops added = lots of hops flavor and tremendous aroma, but doesn’t bite you too much. It’s terrific.” – Mathew Powers

Rum Barrel-Aged Ten Fidy | Oskar Blues Brewery

What We're Drinking
“Could I trouble you for a Rum Barrel-Aged Ten FIDY? It helps put me to sleep.” – Josh Ritenour

Dead Guy Ale  | Rogue Ales & Spirits

What We're Drinking
“Believe it or not. This is a first.” – Danele Bova

Angel of Darkness | Wicked Weed Brewing

What We're Drinking
“So much fruit and wine notes! Complexity for days and just enough sourness to be interesting. A real Valentine’s treat!” –  Jose Minaya

Hopslam Ale | Bell’s Brewery

What We're Drinking
“Little honey-ier maybe than other years. But who is to say. It’s just damn good.” – Mathew Powers

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