The Weekly Buzz | February 17 – 23

I didn’t have President’s Day off from work, but I hope that all of you had a free day to taste new beers. Being on a diet means that my beer tastings are limited, so I’m counting on all of you to tweet your experiences at me. I’m serious! Living vicariously through’s readers is all I have (until the weekend)! Please?! Anyone?! I’m itching for a beer over here! Anyway… here’s The Weekly Buzz…
That’s 36,000 pounds! 18 Tons!
When we say the Barrel-Aged Series beers are hand-crafted, unloading 288 empty barrels (125lbs each) a few times a day is just the start.
— Founders Brewing Co. (@foundersbrewing) February 18, 2017
Another ATL brewery makes good on a Super Bowl bet.
Those @MondayNight folks sure delivered on our Super Bowl bet! Classy bunch, even in defeat. Now where to display this trophy…
— Night Shift Brewing (@NightShiftBeer) February 18, 2017
I’m excited, too! Can I come?
Getting excited for tomorrow's Mattina Rossa release at the brewery. Then ships out to all our distro.
— Allagash Brewing Co (@AllagashBrewing) February 18, 2017
I wonder if there will be a mosh pit!
I heard that the bottle transforms into a robot!
Get your tickets while they last!
Celebrate 20 Years of Chicago Craft at our #TwoBrosBeer20 Anniversary Party w/ live music from @JCBrooksBand! Tix:
— Two Brothers Brewing (@TwoBrothersBeer) February 18, 2017
Happy anniversary!
Thar she blows!
Mandatory @TheRareBarrel stop. All the 🐳.
— Cerebral Brewing (@CerebralBrewing) February 19, 2017
What did you drink for #drinkitnow day?
.@AllagashBrewing Really digging this one from @creaturebeer!
— Firestone Walker (@FirestoneWalker) February 20, 2017
These brewers made a wise choice.
It's #drinkitnow day, and we're raising a glass of St. Klippenstein to a great idea, a beautiful stout & brewers with an independent streak.
— Tröegs Brewing (@TroegsBeer) February 19, 2017
Remember when he was Ronon Dex? It was his finest role.
Guinness is joining the effort!
Here's hoping our Maryland lawmakers do what is best for Maryland beer.
— Flying Dog Brewery (@FlyingDog) February 20, 2017
If there’s one thing I need, it’s more beer glasses.
It’s like trying to guess the secret flavor of Airheads!
The leading hops in #LuponicDistortion Rev. 005 hail from the Pacific Northwest & include _____, _____ & _____! #topsecret #confidential
— Firestone Walker (@FirestoneWalker) February 21, 2017
Need a job?
The beers at night are big and bright deep in the heart of Texas!
Bottled today: Am I Right or #Amarillo, brewed exclusively for #Texas. Launch events week of 3/6: #AmIRight
— Bell's Brewery (@BellsBrewery) February 20, 2017
I truly hope this isn’t “fake news!”
Do you know which beer-loving president named his hounds "Drunkard", "Tippler" & "Tipsy"? @intellectualto
— Ska Brewing (@skabrewing) February 20, 2017
Let’s build a time machine, cure his illness, and elect him a fifth time.
#presidentsday #becausewithoutbeer
— Free State Brewery (@FreeStateBeer) February 20, 2017
Tickets go on sale (2 days ago)!
Today’s the day! @BLVDia ticket packages, including Taps & Tastes tickets, go on sale at 10am CST! Brewery lineup:
— Boulevard Brewing Co. (@Boulevard_Beer) February 22, 2017
Anybody wanna get drunk?
Alt-#MargaritaDay recipe:
1 Citradelic Exotic Lime Ale
1/2 ounce tequila
Combine and enjoy, then spread your infinite wisdom to others.— New Belgium Brewing (@newbelgium) February 22, 2017
Good thing it’s been an unseasonably warm February!
We're gearing up for spring with a brand new beer! Short Sleeve Saison is shipping to stores now. Details:
— Brewery Ommegang (@BreweryOmmegang) February 22, 2017
Check out this lineup!
Thrilled to announce the 2017 Telluride Blues and Brews Festival Grand Tasting Brewery Lineup. View the lineup →
— Telluride Blues (@TellurideBlues) February 23, 2017
Kölsch, Märzen, Pilsner, Altbier, Braunbier, Gose, Berliner Weisse, Bock, Doppelbock, Hefeweizen, Dunkel, Helles… Need I say more?
Sample local and authentic German brews at @PhillyBierfest!
— Sly Fox Brewing Co (@SlyFoxBeer) February 23, 2017
Science is the coolest!
We're over here checking the seams of our cans, ensuring no oxygen is getting in and no beer is getting out! #beergeekery 🔬
— Dogfish Head Brewery (@dogfishbeer) February 23, 2017
I’d need a shower after that meeting.
Is this a brewery or a crime scene?
#allagashbrewing #bells #DenverBeerCompany #Dogfish Head Brewery #firestone walker brewing company #FounderBrewing #Guinness #New Belgium Brewing Company #ommegang #ShortsBrewingCo #Ska Brewing Company #troegsindependentbrewing #Two Brothers Artisan Brewing #unibroue Burnt City Brewing Cerebral Brewing Flying Dog free state brewery Hi-Wire monday night brewing Night Shift Brewing River North Brewery Sly Fox Brewing CompanyRelated Posts
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