PorchDrinking’s Weekly Denver Beer Beat | April 5, 2017

The Denver Beer Beat sheds light on news of brewery openings, special tappings, firkins and one-off batches, bottle releases, dinners, pairings, etc.
Go to the Calendar now
Anniversaries – Shout-out to Tap and Handle for celebrating their 5th anniversary.
Beer Dinners/Brunch – None this week.
Beer Education – Books and Brews.
Bottle/Can Releases – Lightshine Radler, Dogfish Head Can release at the aquarium, Coconut Porter, Princess Yum Yum, Barrel Age Beer and April Sour Beers.
Festivals and Special Events – Sour Fest, Sloans Lake Kick Off Party, Opening Day Happy Hour, Ratio Comedy: Tribute to Sublime, National Beer Day, COMBA Fundraiser and Beer Release and Adult Easter Keg Hunt.
Firkins/Casks/Special Tappings – Oakland Coffee Domestica, Habenero Blonde Ale, Dry Hopped Table Sour, Handwritten Belgian Wit and ACH IPA.
Grand Openings – No openings this week.
Pairings – Oysters and Lagers and Beer and Cheese Pairing.
Tap Takeovers – None this week.
Check out our Denver Beer Beat calendar! You can export events to your iCal and/or sort them by your favorite brewery/beer bar, by the day or by the topic with a quick search for keywords.
Whatever you plan to do, make sure you plan appropriate transportation and drink responsibly… use two hands. Don’t drink and drive!
Cheers homies. April (snow) showers bring May flowers. Baseball season and spring is underway and what better way to celebrate then to head out to some of your favorite watering holes for some delicious brews. Stay Thirsty and Keep Denver Beer’d!
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