The Weekly Buzz | May 19 – 25

It is very hard to type when there is a 16-month-old baby sitting on your arm. She is singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” so the pros outweigh the cons. It’s only a matter of time,however, until pins-and-needles become a very real threat. Despite my impeded blood circulation, I managed to comb Twitter for a few morsels of beer news. I hope you enjoy this edition of The Weekly Buzz.
This is a really amazing cause. Great work!
Seems like a flimsy excuse to drink beer, but I’ll allow it.
The 11nd Annual Surly Open Disc Golf Tournament is in bucolic East Bethel, and registration is now open.
— surlybrewing (@surlybrewing) May 20, 2017
Finally! An acceptable use for that Coronarita device!
Introducing our new favorite way to pregame. The Blood Orange Numero Uno Frozen Margarita at @thewalrusdc. We'll be here all summer.
— Flying Dog Brewery (@FlyingDog) May 20, 2017
Resources for decoding this tweet are available HERE.
Yinz all better jump in the Bonneeville n come drank some beerz don here at Boneshire n support dem Picksburg Penguins.
— Boneshire Brew Works (@Boneshire_Brews) May 20, 2017
Why is so much disc golf happening? Is this still a thing?!
Registration is nearly full for our 2017 Boontfling, sign up today!
— Barkley D. Beer (@avbc) May 19, 2017
I love a good brewery expansion!
How good are you at stacking pallets?
This photo is f@*$ing mesmerizing.
I don’t understand several words in this tweet, but I still want to eat it.
If you can dodge a 750ml bottle, you can dodge a ball.
The history of Founders can be seen through the eyes of some talented artists.
You had me at “lots of beer.”
You're invited to the new #DenverPaleAle Artist Series Launch Party June 2nd! Lots of beer, art activations & more!
— Great Divide Brewing Company (@greatdividebrew) May 22, 2017
Drink a beer. Help a dog. There’s no downside here.
Paws and Pints, our Tuesday night fundraising series, has returned for the season! Grab all the details on Facebook:
— Night Shift Brewing (@NightShiftBeer) May 22, 2017
These kegs want you to buy tickets.
Small Batch is Saturday! These kegs can't wait to be tapped. Space is limited, get your tickets now: #FortCollins
— Odell Brewing Co (@OdellBrewing) May 22, 2017
Oooh! Oooh! Over here! Pick me!
We're hiring!
— Maine Beer Company (@mainebeerco) May 22, 2017
Think you can win?
Win one of three adventure trips! To win: tag All Day IPA Instagram pics w/ #alldaygetawaycontest or see
— Founders Brewing Co. (@foundersbrewing) May 23, 2017
Buy these tickets, drunky!
IMPULSE BUYS RULE: If you're reading this, you're probably at a bar. Better yet, you're drunk. GRAB OPENING TAP TIX!
— Philly Loves Beer (@phillylovesbeer) May 23, 2017
Winter is coming… That’s a GoT reference, right?
We’ve got a collaboration, people!
The most beautiful blueprints I’ve ever seen…
What’s brewing today?
Pete brewing on our pilot beer system…we're always trying different goses, IPAs, and experimental recipes
— Barkley D. Beer (@avbc) May 23, 2017
Do you have what it takes to work in this tasting room?
We're seeking an enthusiastic, customer service-focused, Assistant General Manager to join our Tasting Room team 🍻
— Cigar City Brewing (@CigarCityBeer) May 24, 2017
I hope the orchestra didn’t have to play them off mid-speech.
Feelin' the love, #LoveStout took home Dark Beer of the Year last night at Best of @PhillyBeerScene #Yards #BestofPBS 📷 by @lovecitybrewing
— Yards Brewing Co. (@yardsbrew) May 24, 2017
Someone should buy me this.
A reclaimed wood bottle opener designed to help carefully remove & preserve your favorite bottle caps:
— Bell's Brewery (@BellsBrewery) May 24, 2017
This may seem like the ramblings of a madman… because it is. Luckily he’s a brewer at Boulevard, so I had an excuse to share it with you!
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