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The Weekly Buzz | May 19 – 25

Weekly Buzz

It is very hard to type when there is a 16-month-old baby sitting on your arm. She is singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” so the pros outweigh the cons. It’s only a matter of time,however, until pins-and-needles become a very real threat. Despite my impeded blood circulation, I managed to comb Twitter for a few morsels of beer news. I hope you enjoy this edition of The Weekly Buzz.

This is a really amazing cause. Great work!

Seems like a flimsy excuse to drink beer, but I’ll allow it.

Finally! An acceptable use for that Coronarita device!

Resources for decoding this tweet are available HERE.

Why is so much disc golf happening? Is this still a thing?!

I love a good brewery expansion!

How good are you at stacking pallets?

This photo is f@*$ing mesmerizing.

I don’t understand several words in this tweet, but I still want to eat it.

If you can dodge a 750ml bottle, you can dodge a ball.

The history of Founders can be seen through the eyes of some talented artists.

You had me at “lots of beer.”

Drink a beer. Help a dog. There’s no downside here.

These kegs want you to buy tickets.

Oooh! Oooh! Over here! Pick me!

Think you can win?

Buy these tickets, drunky!

Winter is coming… That’s a GoT reference, right?

We’ve got a collaboration, people!

The most beautiful blueprints I’ve ever seen…

What’s brewing today?

Do you have what it takes to work in this tasting room?

I hope the orchestra didn’t have to play them off mid-speech.

Someone should buy me this.

This may seem like the ramblings of a madman… because it is. Luckily he’s a brewer at Boulevard, so I had an excuse to share it with you!

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