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Modern Times Beer | Blazing World

Modern Times Beer | Blazing World

ABV: 6.8% | IBU: 85

Seeing that the times are what they are, you know with politics, fake news, real news, climate change, brewery buy outs, you may think that Modern Time’s hoppy amber Blazing World was named after… modern times. Not exactly. “Yeah, we definitely never intended it to be that timely of a name,” said Modern Times communication coordinator Dan Reed.

Despite how depressingly timely the name may be, the “hoppy, dank, amber” is truly an uplifting beer. “The stickiest of the icky,” as Reed described. “It’s a luxuriously hoppy amber loaded up with intemperate quantities of Nelson, Mosaic and Simcoe hops, which are some of the fruitiest, dankest hops sweet, sweet money can buy,” Reed added.

“Our beer leans toward eclectic, aroma-driven, session-ish beers that often gleefully trample style guide-lines and get into more experimental territory,” explained Reed, and that is exactly what Blazing World is.

Too many times in the craft beer world, hoppiness is used like spiciness is used in food—without purpose and with too much novelty. This is not one of those cases. The types of hops, and the amount of hops used in this amber add complexity and dimension to a much under appreciated style.

Based out of the Point Loma neighborhood of San Diego, Modern Times brewed their first batch in 2013 and has been growing in popularity ever since. Their iconic pint cans are all over social media and a favorite for any aspiring brewtographer. The genius simple design and branding were created becoming iconic even after just four years.

They have two new facilities in the works, one in Downtown LA, the other in Anaheim. Reed explained that “both of which will feature full production breweries, restaurants, cafes and, in the case of the Anaheim location, a frickin’ pool (we’re slightly excited about this).”

That right there is the spirit that so infectious about Modern Times and their beer. Good beer comes from infectious spirit like that, and you can taste it in Blazing World.

You can find their beers if you’re lucky enough to live in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada or Arizona, and according to Reed, “if you’d like more information on Modern Times releases, events, new locations and general partying agenda, you can follow @moderntimesbeer on IG & Twitter, and find us at We also just started @moderntimesDTLA for our new Los Angeles Dankness Dojo.”

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