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Ultimate 6er | Friday Night (Summer Edition)

Friday Night Summer Edition
Taylor Laabs

Oh Friday nights; they offer so much intrigue, so much anticipation for what’s to come. Regardless of the myriad of plans you might have for the weekend, one of my most cherished Friday night activities is cracking open that first beer of the weekend. It just seems crisper, more refreshing and full of unbridled possibility.

That said, each Friday night is very different due to the variety of plans one can have after 5pm – or earlier if you decide to take a “long lunch.” And with each activity comes a different beer choice that both complements and elevates the experience. Here is the Ultimate 6er of Friday Evenings – Summer Edition.

Date Night + Dinner

Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ Ale | Lagunitas Brewing Co.

The not-so-subtle name pun aside, Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ has been one of my favorite dinner beers for a while. It’s easy to drink, pairs well with most everything, and is readily available nationwide at even the cushiest of date spots. Plus, it’s a fun conversation starter.

Corporate Happy Hour

Unfiltered Sculpin IPA | Ballast Point Brewing

Craft beer has quickly become a topic du jour in the corporate setting, especially at happy hours. It’s an approachable subject that most people have some opinion on or grasp of. Ballast Point’s Sculpin line is somewhat similar. If you drink craft beer, you’re most likely familiar with the Sculpin IPA due to its nationwide prominence, whether it be their Pineapple, Grapefruit, Habenero or less known variants. You can stand out from your co-workers and maybe impress your boss by ordering Ballast Point’s newest Sculpin variety: Unfiltered. It’s still probably a good idea to keep your conversations filtered, however.

Drinking With the Buddies

#Merica! Lager | Surly Brewing Co.

You’re ready to let loose and crack open a cold one…with the boys (or girls). For me, there’s no better option than Surly’s in-your-face #Merica! Lager. From the patriotic packaging to the light citrus kick, #Merica! is a great beer for hanging out with your buddies. Plus – this lovable lager now comes in several different can-packaged varieties.

Patio Season

Balloon Boy Farmhouse Wheat Ale | Burnt City Brewing

There’s nothing like enjoying a cold beer on a Chicago patio or rooftop. It makes the winters worth it. One of my go-to’s this year for patio drinking is Burnt City’s farmhouse wheat, Balloon Boy. It’s readily available in cans throughout the Chicago bar scene and offers a full-flavored, yet drinkable ale that meets all of my requirements for a solid day drink refreshment. Check it out!

 Going Out

PC Pils | Founders Brewing Co.

You made it out to the bars, you’re in your zone – and now you want to stay there. Instead of going for a Miller Lite or one of its compatriots, order a PC Pils in a can – it delivers a good hop bite that will remind you that you’re drinking a craft beer. At 5.5% ABV, you can sip on these throughout the night to keep the party going.

Staying In

Galactic Double Daisy Cutter Pale Ale | Half Acre Beer Co.  

Whether it be due to work, rest, or a morning commitment, sometimes you need a Friday night in. To still get your craft beer fix as you retreat to your couch for a night of Netflix and takeout, I recommend cracking open Half Acre’s otherworldly Galactic Double Daisy Cutter. The hops delivered by just one of these bad boys will make you feel like you’ve had a full night out at your local craft brew spot.

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