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What We’re Drinking | June 30, 2017

What We're Drinking
Danele Bova

It’s officially summertime and that means we’re drinking all sorts of… well hell, we’re still drinking everything! We love well-made lagers, fruity wheats and sours, and the occasional high-octane IPA. Give us all the beers! The holiday weekend may be upon us, but that didn’t slow us down this week. This is What We’re Drinking.

Charlatan APA | Maplewood Brewery & Distillery

“Thirty seconds later, it was gone.” – Mathew Powers

Overgrowth | Brew Gentlemen

“In stark contrast to my bad iPhone photography, Overgrowth is extremely well done. I could make an entire day of this beer.” – Dan Bortz

Yellow Rose | Lone Pint Brewery

“A Texas classic! Pilsner malt and mosaic hops for a very different and interesting IPA.” – Danele Bova

Table Beer (Batch 2) | Brew Gentlemen

“I’ve never had a beer that was this light but deliciously potent with brett and oak flavor. A table beer for matching decadence. Thanks Rocco!” – Scott Johnson

Nitro Coffe | Foundation Coffee Co.

“Served from a tap in Tampa still counts right?” – Jose Minaya

Hop Hop Troll Troll | Odd13 Brewing

Imbibed by K.C. Cunilio

Sour Wheat Ale | Acidulous Brewing Co.

“Nice way to wind down after an afternoon filled with Taco Fest. Never heard of Acidulous before, either.” – Jasmin Hudacsek

Tampa-style Lager | Cigar City Brewing

“In this dang Florida heat it’s better than water!” – Jose Minaya

Beer Camp | Sierra Nevada

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