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Beer Cocktail | Kriek Kocktail with Saint Benjamin Wit or Wit Out and Ommegang Rosetta

Beer Cocktail

Sometimes, I just have a tough time making decisions, especially when it comes to what beer I want to try (I know, I know, #firstworldproblems. I hear your sympathetic violins). However, when a beer menu presents you with 15 choices, but your flight only allows for four beers, and the waitress is just staring at you because you can’t decide, it becomes an issue. So when I saw a cocktail of a kriek and a tripel, both of which I wanted to try, I thought “Genius!”(The cocktail was delightful, by the way). It’s summer though, and I want to keep it light & refreshing. I decided to find a kriek and a witbier that complimented each other’s flavors and was super refreshing.

Beer(s) of Choice

Wit or Wit Out | Saint Benjamin Brewing Co.

ABV: 5.2% | IBU: 17

beer cocktail -- Sain Benjamin Wit or Wit Out
Photo Credit:

Rosetta | Brewery Ommegang

ABV: 5.6% | IBU: 9

Beer Cocktail -- Brewery Ommegang Rosetta
Photo Credit:

Saint Benjamin’s Wit has a smooth and simple base for this easy mixture. I wanted something with depth, yet was light, refreshing and would not take away from the next beer. Adding in the Cherry Kriek gave this beer cocktail mixture a burst of flavor, with the slightly tart notes of the cherries complimenting the smooth mouthfeel of the wit.

Kriek Kocktail Recipe

  • 1 bottle of Ommegang’s Rosetta
  • 1 can of Saint Benjamin’s Wit or Wit Out
  • 1 glass
  • Optional: A friend, who also has a glass
  1. Pour half of the Wit and half of the Rosetta in your glass
  2. If feeling generous, pour the rest of the beer cocktail into your friend’s glass
  3. Enjoy!

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