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DC Beer Week 2017: More Than Tap Takeovers

DC Beer Week 2017: More Than Tap Takeovers
Stacey Goers

This city isn’t actually known for being suave or sexy or hip or even truly hipster. Washington, DC is rather a place of ambition, Type A personalities and power — and a city with a whole lot of soul (something the interns running about the Hill oftentimes don’t realize).

In the middle of a busy summer, DC Beer Week snuck up on me again. Looking at the event listenings, I realized how foolish ignoring this awesome week would be.

Even though it may not gather the fanfare as other city festivals, the list of events has options that obviously feed the beer lovers, but also the gastrophiles, the history nerds and the beer-industry savvy, who want to know how the definition of craft is ever-changing.

What to know:

DC Beer Week (#DCBW2017) is from Aug. 20-27.

Events are throughout the city. You have no excuse.

Main sponsors consist of the big names in the region’s brewing circles: Old Ebbitt Grill, DC Brau, Buffalo and Bergen’s Suburbia, ChurchKey, Link Strategic Partners, Brewers Association, Atlas Brew Works, Heurich House Museum and Right Proper Brewing Company.

Many of the events this year are repeats, but they are back on the calendar because they have gathered fanfare and success. They are worth checking out.

The Solidarity Brew is a thing. It’s a Brett IPA this year and make sure to grab a sip.

You can find the entire calendar of events here. It’s a lot. Here are some Porchdrinking-approved highlights (and this is not discrediting the other awesome events!). Please, take the time to check out all events; there’s really nothing that’s not of note.

Brewers on the Block

Sunday, Aug. 20, 2-5 p.m.

If weather is nice, this kick-off event will be even more awesome. Many of the major breweries in the region will be there and it’s straightforward — featured beers with awesome food right at Union Market. You’ll be able to see some of the best-of-the-best.

DC Brau Pairing at All Purpose

Monday, Aug. 21, 5-11 p.m.

This is a quieter and more focused event; All Purpose has received much love in the DC food scene, so it’s a great way to try it with awesome beers.

We Can Brew It! Women in Beer

Monday, Aug. 21, 6:30-9:30 p.m.

This return event always nets a great cross-section of seasoned veterans and newbies to the brewing scene. It’s welcoming, friendly and a great way for women to get to know others in the field.

Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon

Tuesday, Aug. 22, noon-2 p.m.

This is such a fantastic way to spend a lunch break. Visit the beautiful Heurich House and lend your talents for the greater internet good. (This might be my favorite event listed.)

Does Independence Matter?

Wednesday, Aug. 23, 6-10 p.m.

Here’s another chance to get nerdy and do something beyond simply tasting. Atlas Brew Works is hosting a discussion with a myriad of stakeholders on ownership in the craft beer market. And guess what: It’s free.


Saturday, Aug. 26, 8-11 p.m.

Another returning event, but it’s usually a stellar one. Old Ebbitt’s courtyard hosts beers and restaurant pairings from a great cross-selection of local brands.

Record Fair

Sunday, Aug. 27, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.

Right Proper Brewing’s Brookland facility will have live music and records from the beloved Songbyrd Café.

Reggae & Dub Showcase

Sunday, Aug. 27, 1-8 p.m.

End DC Beer Week by winding down, enjoying food trucks, reggae music and delicious DC Brau beers at their brewery in NE DC.

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