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The Weekly Buzz | August 4 – 10

Weekly Buzz

This was a crazy week in craft beer! It all started with International Beer Day on Friday. The week hit a critical mass of insanity when Funky Buddha (R.I.P.) was purchased by Constellation Brands and Magnolia Brewing was acquired by New Belgium (and partners). Also, let us not forget that I personally drank upwards of 12 beers. Slipping between the cracks of the more earth-shattering developments were plenty of event announcements, a few brewery anniversaries and a handful of job openings. Grab a beer and get ready to work on The Weekly Buzz.

(More on the Funky Buddha and Magnolia acquisitions)

In less than a month, Georgia breweries can begin direct sales!

Happy belated International Beer Day!

Happy Anniversary!

Beers always go down great at the ballpark!

Hey! Ho! Let’s go… to the Punk Rock Flea Market!

It’s too early for pumpkin beers, but this cocktail sounds A-OK.

But who would go there?

Happy National Lighthouse Day!

Water is one of our most important resources!

That’s a (half) ton of peaches!

 Independent beer pride is on the rise!

What could it be??

We challenge YOU!

Gotta get those tix!

Do it for the animals!

Why don’t they just hire that robot?

Don’t be late for this very important date!

Mark your calendars!

Even accountants need to let down their hair!

This man is a hero.

Can I just take a Lyft to the finish line?

I’m a huge FAN of this harvesting technique!

Beer job!

I’ve heard of worse excuses to drink beer!

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