Summer may be wrapping up, but the steady flow of delicious beers to our faces is not slowing down. We’re still going to beer gardens, ball games and, yes, our beloved porches. One of our writers even toasted the arrival of his very first adorable, 7-pound homebrewing apprentice! The craft beer excitement is still very real for us at PorchDrinking, so I hope you are ready to find out What We’re Drinking!
“Celebrating her arrival with an amazing barleywine! Intense coffee and chocolate notes with enough Barrel notes to bring out the caramel and almost toffee notes of bourbon. Absolutely delicious and cute!” – Jose Minaya
“Enjoyed a family night out at the ballgame with Omaha Brewing’s Nada-Banana Hefeweizen. The color and mouthfeel were spot on for a german-style wheat ale. Banana, spices and vanilla shine in the flavor of this beer.” – John Pylant
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