The Weekly Buzz | September 1 – 7

We have one devastating hurricane behind us and another on the way. This September is turning out to be brutal for a lot of people. Lots of breweries have been pitching in to help, and that is truly amazing. We’ll take a look at this – and lots of other stuff – right here in this edition ofΒ The Weekly Buzz!
Houston continues to need your help in the wake of Harvey!
In partnership with other Georgia brewers, now through September 30, join Reformation Brewery in a donation drive β¦
— Reformation Brewery (@ReformationBrew) September 1, 2017
#HurricaneHarvey Relief Concert comin' at ya thanks to @CANdAid.
— Oskar Blues Brewery (@oskarblues) September 5, 2017
It’s the MOST wonderful time of the year!
Our freshly picked wet hops are entering the tanks for this year's batch of Heavy Handed Wet-Hopped IPA!
— Two Brothers Brewing (@TwoBrothersBeer) September 1, 2017
My happy place is in Happy Valley.
Cheers to the first weekend of college football #happyplace
— Foothills Brewing (@FoothillsBeer) September 1, 2017
Georgia is now allowing direct beer sales in brewery taprooms!
Hanging up in my office today is a photo of our #gabeer resolution signed by a majority of the #gahouse. We did it yall π»#SetBeerFree #gapol
— Michael Caldwell (@michaelcaldwell) September 1, 2017
RT BlueTarpBrew: This weekend only buy a case and get 10% off your whole tab! Let #GABeer flow free
— Brew.Wa.Na (@Brewwana) September 1, 2017
Come toast #gabeer history with a pint of Neapolitan RendezMoo. #firkinfriday
— Wrecking Bar Brewpub (@WreckingBar) September 1, 2017
#GateCityBrewing serves its first of 85 free pints to celebrate #SB85! Cheers to all #GAbeer! #freeatlast #buybeersnottours
— GateCityBrewing (@GateCityBrewing) September 1, 2017
Our 1st direct beer sale was to our CEO, @CreatureBeerCH, who served as the VP of the @GaBrewersGuild & was instrumental in the law change!
— Creature Comforts (@creaturebeer) September 1, 2017
Weird. We can now sell pints and flights in Georgia. Is this a dream? #gabeer #betterlatethannever
— Jekyll Brewing (@jekyllbrewing) September 1, 2017
MOM! Make me some BBQ sauce!
Throwing some shrimp (or something else) on the barbie this #laborday?? How about making your own #BEER BBQ Sauce??
— Deschutes Brewery (@DeschutesBeer) September 3, 2017
I wonder if she’ll adopt me…
How did you spend the holiday weekend?
Happy Labor Day! The only work we recommend today is lifting a beer. Taproom is open from 11 to 11 with lots of beer on tap and cans to go!
— Night Shift Brewing (@NightShiftBeer) September 4, 2017
Happy #LaborDay! It's gorgeous outside! Enjoy free live music 2-5 and grab something to take home to that family BBQ! π· π» πππ₯π #HersheyPA
— Brewery at Hershey (@BreweryHershey) September 4, 2017
We're raising a glass to all of our amazing workers today. Happy Labor Day!
We will be open normal hours (3pm-midnight).— Rhinegeist (@rhinegeist) September 4, 2017
Victory and Southern Tier are working on a new joint in Charlotte!
Yes, please.
The rule says,”Play it as it lies.”
— Night Shift Brewing (@NightShiftBeer) September 7, 2017
DC Brau is getting bigger!
The #brewhouseiscoming…here's the manway on the Whirlpool as proof! #expansion #dcbrau #dcbrews #GEABrewing
— DC Brau Brewing (@dcbrau) September 6, 2017
How did you celebrate?
Cheers to #NHBeer! It's #NationalBeerLoversDay π»πΊπ»
— Brew New Hampshire (@BrewNH) September 7, 2017
Wherever you are, Happy #nationalbeerloversday!
— Coronado Brewing Co. (@CoronadoBrewing) September 7, 2017
Happy #NationalBeerLoversDay
— Full Pint Beer (@fullpintbeerpgh) September 7, 2017
Happy #NationalBeerLoversDay, we certainly do love making it, we're glad you enjoy drinking it! Cheers π» β€οΈ #BecauseWithoutBeer
— Free State Brewery (@FreeStateBeer) September 7, 2017
Do you have what it takes?
Have what it takes to be the quintessential Northeast dude? Register by Sept 9 for your chance to win @MrNEPageant!
— Indeed Brewing Co. (@indeedbrewing) September 7, 2017
These Florida breweries are helping their neighbors in advance of Irma.
Feel free to bring in empty growlers of any size, water bottles, jugs, you name it and we would be more than happy to fill them.
— Coppertail Brewing (@coppertail) September 6, 2017
Still need water? we will be filling jugs with filtered water for free from 6-9pm or so. 3pm Face Down Razz Up Raspberry Wheat Ale tapping
— Tequesta Brewing (@tequestabrewing) September 6, 2017
#allagashbrewing #CoronadoBrewing #DCBrau #deschutesbrewery #NeshaminyCreekBrewingCo #OskarBlues #Rhinegeist Brewery #southern tier brewing #terrapinbeercompany #Two Brothers Artisan Brewing #Victory Brewing Bissell Brothers Blue Tarp Brewing Brewery at Hershey coppertail brewing creature comforts brewing co. foothills brewing free state brewery full pint brewing co Gate City Brewing indeed brewing jekyll brewing Night Shift Brewing Peak Organic Reformation Brewery River Rat Tequesta Brewing Wicked Barley Brewing Wrecking Bar BrewpubRelated Posts
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