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Paranoms | Pairing Breweries with Food Trucks

Johnathan Pylant

Today is the day! No pressure though. The deadline to vote for your favorite Denver Startup is today at 10:00p MST. Paranoms is a fantastic application that will do wonders with the food truck industry by helping small businesses better communicate and partner up for the same cause – bring delicious products to quench eager customers.

What started out as a simple Facebook Group in 2016 to help a friend book a last minute appointment, Scott Davidson created Denver Metro Food Truck. Davidson’s friend, Elvira Masinovic, was working for a brewery in the Denver metro area and had a food truck scheduled for a special event – a birthday party with about 200 people in attendance. Unfortunately, the original food truck had to cancel and she was left in a bad situation. She reached out to Davidson knowing he knew a lot of people in the brewing and food truck industry. Fast on his feet, Davidson created a quick Facebook Group and invited all his friends to join and posted his first post, “My friend is looking for a last minute appointment. Is anybody available?” Amazingly, it worked!

The page now has over 500 members in the group. The group continues to grow and connect breweries and food trucks. Breweries and food trucks alike use the page to post and coordinate appointments for covering anything from a normal day of open hours to special events. Food trucks typically post what their schedules are in the group while breweries post what days they need a food truck. Food trucks would then respond to that post letting the brewery know they can fill that slot.

Courtesy Johnathan Pylant

As the group expanded so did the member diversity. Cities, event coordinators, and other businesses have also joined the group. Davidson sees this as an opportunity to expand the concept outside of the brewing and food truck industries.

Now, Scott and co-founder/lead developer, Brian Fehrle, have designed an app and website to make it even easier for these two industries to communicate – “Paranoms”. Paranoms will take the place of the Facebook Group. Current users of the group will be transitioned to the new app and website. Users will find Paranoms to be a streamlined version of what they used before with more features than what could be offered on a Facebook Group. There will be a free version and a paid version of the app. The paid version will, of course, come with more features that are unique to Paranoms.

Using Paranoms, breweries and food trucks will be able to look up each other and request appointments. These businesses will have the option to sort and filter their results by best rating, type of food, locations, etc. Breweries will be able to look up available food trucks in their area (think of Uber) and send a request for a truck. Once the request is sent, the food truck can confirm or deny the request. Inversely, food trucks will be able to look at all of the available breweries that are closest to them and then send a request to a brewery of choice to work there. The brewery can then accept or deny the request. At the end of the day or the end of an event in some cases, the brewery and food truck will be able to rate each other on a 10 point scale in regard to specific criteria such as timeliness, quality, dependability and customer traffic. These ratings are then attached to the respective business, allowing future users to see and filter by these results when scheduling future appointments. It is important to note that these ratings are only seen by registered Paranoms users and are not publicly available.

The two are competing in Denver Startup Week in the hopes of winning $100,000 in cash prizes and services to start up this venture. The capital from this competition would allow them to test the Beta version of the Paranoms app and website, hire another developer for the front-end development, and then launch the Paranoms app for consumer use. This would also set them up to expand beyond the Denver area after Paranoms feels confident enough in their product’s ability to handle a larger consumer base.

I know, it’s brilliant, right?! So, how do you vote?

  1. Go to:
  2. Register with your name, email, and a password
  3. Go to:
  4. Find “Paranoms” and click the thumbs up
  5. Tell all your friends, family, and pets to do the same thing!

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