Free Will Brewing Company | Micromanager

It’s that time of year again. The time where nights start to become longer and the leaves change to vibrant colors that make for ideal Instagram posts. But before you throw on your scarf, go apple picking, and stock up on your favorite pumpkin beers, remember that there are still warms days left as summer slowly fades out of the picture. And that means still time to enjoy those crushable, refreshing beers while soaking in the sunshine!
Free Will Brewing Company, located in Bucks County north of Philadelphia, has gained a loyal fan base thanks in part to the impressive lineup of sour and barrel aged brews they produce. But that doesn’t mean you should sleep on their more available year-round offerings, including Micromanager.
ABV: 4.5%
(More: PorchDrinking Playlist | Free Will Brewing Company)
Micromanager is listed as a New England-style IPA, but the complexities you notice throughout drinking it give off more characteristics beyond the borders of that label. Once poured, its head fizzes off as the light, partly hazy straw color takes over the glass. The aroma is juicy and fruity, mainly with notes of citrus and lemon. Micromanager is brewed with Ekuanot, Mosaic, Cascade and Centennial hops that give the beer the expected tropical fruit and bitter taste.
As you drink it, there is a bold, but not overpowering, taste of lemon similar to a freshly-squeezed lemonade. You also pick up on a slight tartness that doesn’t make you pucker and refreshingly lingers into the finish. It is an ultimate thirst-quencher of a beer that has you immediately wanting to pour another after the first one is gone.
It is always easy to rush ahead to the next thing, the next season. Sometimes we just need that reminder to relax and stay grounded to the present moment. So my advice—grab a six-pack of Micromanager, toss some cans around to your friends to crack, and give one last toast to the summer!
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