PorchDrinking’s Weekly Atlanta Beer Beat | October 18, 2017

The Atlanta Beer Beat sheds light on news of brewery openings, special tappings, firkins and one-off batches, bottle releases, dinners, pairings and more!
We’re just like the rest of the country now: walk into a brewery, go straight to the bar, order a beer and pay for it. It’s almost too easy!
Check out our Atlanta Beer Beat Calendar!
Atlanta This Week
Grand Openings & Anniversaries – None this week, but get out there and get beer’d.
Bottle/Can Release – Burial & Creature Comforts Culture Keepers Festbier Release at Butcher & Brew and Truck & Tap.
Firkins/Casks/Special Tappings – Moon River’s Cask Night! Yoga Pants w/ Whole Cone Chinook & Cashmere Hops, Weekly Free Beer Tasting w/ Avery at Hop City and Hop City KSM.
Festivals and Special Events – Songs & Beers for Heroes at Fat Patties Bluffton, Little 5 Points Halloween Festival & Parade, 2017 Decatur Craft Beer Festival, Blues & Brews Festival (Carrollton), Halloween Party at AOTHG, 2017’s Last Alive in Roswell, Atlanta’s Great Pint Week, Presented by Creative Loafing, Lerogie-Acoustic Saturday at Abide Brewery, Pupper Patch Photo Op at Coastal Empire, AOTHG Pint Night at Mellow Mushroom, Explore GA Beer: Arches Brewing w/ Atlanta Girls Pint Out, Curiosity Club: Taxidermy at Eventide, Brett Weller and The Congregation Live at Gate City, Gaming with Jess the Gaming Queen at Ironmonger Brewing, Gears & Beers and El Tacoman at Left Nut Brewing, Hops for Hope Lodge Trivia Night & Paint Love Live at Monday Night Garage, Macon Octoberfest, Produce & Provisions: Artisanal Market at Orpheus Brewing, Redleg Husky Live at Red Hare, Pours for Pets at Red Hare Brewing, The Wing’s Big Screens & Airstreams w/ Reformation, Southern Suds at Augusta Museum of History, Howl-O-Ween Celebration at Second Self, Three Taverns Balance + Beer, Sweetland Craft Beer & Music Festival ’17.
Beer Dinners, Pairings & Tap Takeovers – Hop Alley Beer Dinner with Wetten Imports, Jekyll Brewing’s Beer & Brats with Bratplatz, October Beer Dinner at Taco Mac (Peachtree City), Reformation Tap Takeover at The Hive (Augusta).
Brewery Tours – Beer From Here’s The Work Week Wind Down and check out Southern Beer Tours.
Check out our Atlanta Beer Beat calendar! You can export events to your iCal and/or sort them by your favorite brewery/beer bar, by the day or by the topic with a quick search for keywords.
Whatever you plan to do, make sure you plan appropriate transportation and drink responsibly – use two hands. Don’t drink and drive!
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David from 5 Seasons here. How do we participate in these listings?