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Want to Buy a Brewery in Virginia? Go to Craigslist.

Stacey Goers

A Craigslist ad posted Nov. 6 in the Washington, D.C. region caught the inquisitive chatter of local beer forums.

Image of ad posted on Craigslist.

The beer publication DC Beer was among the first to throw the post out on Twitter and the speculation began.

Though the Craigslist post says the zip was changed from its original content, there are a few notable establishments in the region highlighted and plenty of smaller breweries that could be contenders.

Mustang Sally in Chantilly was one of the leading possible facilities, however they swiftly told PorchDrinking via email that it’s not them; they are a 30bbl brewhouse with four fermentation vessels and don’t match the ad.

(We reviewed their IPA in September.) Mustang Sally has said that science and experimentation are key to their model and the Craigslist posting lists a yeast lab as one asset of the sale, prompting original suspicions. Mustang Sally did also speak to the Washington Post in fall 2016 on their aggressive expansion plans.

Ocelot Brewery, a GABF winner, is in the ad’s specified region as well, though they told PD on Nov. 9 that they are not the creators of the ad (and don’t know who is).

Ono Brewing Company is also in the region, though the specs they outline on their website don’t align precisely with what the Craigslist ad lists.

Have an idea or tip as to who it is? Email me.

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  1. First guess was it was Ocelot as they’re the only ones with an in house yeast lab. But we all know by know it was probably rocket frog. Those fokkers lost their brewery to the bank for not paying bills. Dumbasses

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