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The Weekly Buzz | November 10 – 23

Weekly Buzz
Dan Bortz

Welcome to this special double-edition of The Weekly Buzz. I had a work obligation that stopped me from posting last week, but fear not! I did manage to collect all the content, which is good because there was a LOT going on. Anyway… Here’s the best beer-related Twitter and Instagram content from the last two weeks. It’s time to start sipping on this special barrel-aged bottle of The Weekly Buzz!

Buy local. Drink local.

Happy Anniversary!!

Thank you to all the veterans who have protected and served our country!

This was the last weekend for the original Yards brewery!

New tanks mean more delicious beer!

Did anyone make it to FoBAB?

You want to inoculate your wort with… ME?!?

I just thought this beer was pretty…

Donate food and a gift for children in need!

Does Dogfish Head deliver?

Beer is this world’s ultimate kindness!

Is your resume up to date?

They’re getting their beer ideas from I Love Lucy.

The shiny, new Yards brewery is now open in Philadelphia!

I suggest filling all of those tanks with Dinner.

Sam must be a pretty swell boss.

Breweries in Maine have lots of extra-curricular activities.

Thank you so much! I love you!


This new brewery opened on Wednesday! We wish them luck!

Have you read this? It’s pretty terrible.

Rogue’s response to the story above.

Pittsburgh beer is coming to the Philly suburbs!


Deep thoughts.

Hey! I know that guy!

Looking forward to this release?

They actually made it to #1 by the end of the Eagles-Cowboys game.

I’ve got a bottle of the Grand Cru chilling as we speak.

Those mustaches are making me uncomfortable.

I would have made a few extras. Just in case.

Happy Thanksgiving! May your Black Friday beer releases be peaceful!

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