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The Weekly Buzz | December 8 – 14

Weekly Buzz
Dan Bortz

While canning, some beer inevitably ends up on the floor. That beer goes to waste–an acceptable loss in the packaging process. The world of beer news, however has a savior. We scoop up the small bits of news and shenanigans, clean them up and bring them to you. Crack open a beer because you’re about to get The Weekly Buzz!

Only an old-timey riverboat could make this look cooler.

It’s a winter wonderland!

We hope everyone stays safe during this terrible disaster.

Somebody call a plumber!

Just in case you needed it spelled out.

Who’s gonna crack some of these open in the parking lot at Lambeau?

Buy great beers. Support great causes.

Why isn’t my freezer full of this right now?!

I’m going to start leaving beer and pretzels for Santa.

How did you do National Lager Day?

Was Extreme Beer Fest as extreme as it sounds?

We like big tanks and we cannot lie…

Hope they don’t mind that I’ll be horrifyingly off-key.

Business as usual. Nothing to see here.

Happy Anniversary!

Go see who wins!

Nice work, team! High five!

Get those tickets!

Beyoncé didn’t want the honor, so they’re giving it to someone way cooler!

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