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The Weekly Buzz | January 5 – 11

Weekly Buzz
Dan Bortz

This week was rough. The frigid weather broke in Pennsylvania and brought 40-degree weather to Pennsylvania. The reprieve, however, revealed a frozen, burst hot water pipe, which became a massive leak as it thawed. I mostly tell you this because I want your pity. feed on it. Also, I don’t want you to notice that The Weekly Buzz is embarrassingly light this week. Shit happens. We’ll all move past it and do better next week.

It was a balmy 6 degrees that day…

Perfect for any prepper!

Did you make it to Big Beers, Belgians and Barleywines this year?

That’s an amazing sum of money!

If you don’t get this joke, you’re not my friend anymore.

Got what it takes to sell some beer?

I mostly posted this because I love a good pie chart.

Buy this beer and your money goes to a good cause.

Does Mr. Miyagi have a beer pouring technique?

Hopefully the first of many!

Polish up that resume!

I wanna go!

Start checking the local tap lists, NC!

Where are you taking that special someone?

That beer sure looks good in aluminum!

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