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Event Preview | Brewery Band Ballyhoo


Oh sure, you’ve let brewers please your palate and provide love to your liver, but have you ever let them entertain your ears? That’s what the Brewery Band Ballyhoo is all about. On February 2, for $10 (or $50 VIP), you can watch those brewers or brewing staff members get on stage and battle for the Ballyhoo Gold Record — your vote to determines the winner!

Although, in truth, the real winner is the Alliance for the Great Lakes. Proceeds will go the organization dedicated to keeping our Great Lakes pure. If you like beer, that should be important to you.


Hosted by Kinslahger Brewing Co. in Oak Park, IL, nine bands will compete for the coveted Ballyhoo Gold Record, each getting about 20 minutes to play.

You may wonder how the bands were chosen? Did they tryout? Did they deal with Simon Cowell or judges from The Voice?

Said Keith Huizinga of Kinslahger, “No tryouts. I basically put an email out to the Illinois Brewers Guild to see if anyone would be interested in participating… My hope is that we can have a successful event and repeat it again next year with more and or new participant breweries.”

For instance, Sean Maheney of BuckleDown Brewing plays for The Mights.


Here are the all nine of brewery bands — who will get your vote?


Argus Brewery

Blue Nose Brewery

Blue Island Beer Co.

Buckledown Brewing

Flapjack Brewery

Hopewell Brewng

Great Central Brewing

Kinslahger Brewing

Miskatonic Brewing

 Where, When and How Much?

From: (Wire in Berwyn, IL)

Date: February 2, Groundhog Day (Doors open at 7 pm)

Why Groundhog Day? Answered Huizinga, with a fun wink and smile,  “Just my hope that it will happen again, and again, and again, and again ….”

Location: Wire in Berwyn, IL (just outside of Chicago).

Wire is a spectacular music venue, perfect for drinking and jamming!

Tickets: $10 GA or $50 VIP, which can be purchased here.

What does the VIP get you? “Wire has a very cool balcony space. So VIP tickets will include access to that area along with some amazing charcuterie and cheese from Carnivore Oak Park,” explained Huizinga.

Beer & Drinks:  **Cash bar **

Selections from each of the performing breweries will be served.


Logo for the Alliance – See

“I was trying to think of an event that Kinslahger could sponsor that was new and unique. We have a great relationship with an amazing music venue across the street (Wire) so I approached them about doing a fundraising event that would be a combination beer & music festival. All based on my presumption…that I could find a few breweries that had bands or could create one out of employees/owners/friends.”

“The folks at Wire were supportive of the idea and agreed to give us a Friday night for the event and allow for all ticket sales to be directed to the charity of our choice,” said Huizinga

That charity, of course, is the Alliance for the Great Lakes because, explained Huizinga:

“In this area, we can’t make great beer without Great (Lakes) water.”

Feature Image via WireMusic 

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