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Ultimate 6er | Fun (and Crazy) Presidential Beer Connections


Though American societal and political chaos has dominated in recent months, President’s Day remains a day to honor the few who have operated as the Chief Executive of these United States of America, whether they be good or bad, deplorable or laudable. And as we celebrate, it behooves us to have a little fun, too, including discussing those times when presidential culture and American beer culture have converged. From Billy Beer to Duff Beer, presidential beer connections are a part of our nation’s history.

Duff Beer | The Nixon – Kennedy Debate

Billy Beer

President Jimmy Carter (1977 – 1981) had a brother named Billy, whose signature adorned a beer named for him. Produced in 1977, it was so successful that the original Falls City Brewery, which opened in 1905 and brewed Billy Beer, closed its doors one year later.

President's Day Billy Beer

The George Washington Budweiser Newspaper Ad (1908)

Throngs of immigrants poured into New York and San Francisco during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many of whom brought their beer culture with them (notably from Germany and other parts of Europe). Americans didn’t always embrace beer as they do today, so the Busch family made sure to be clear that their German creation was, indeed, a very American product. And, what could be more American than George Washington?

Even better, we learn from the ad that beer “prolongs youth and preserves physical charm.”

President's Day Budweiser Ad George Washington

President Obama & The White House Brewery

President Obama held a Beer Summit. President Obama drank beer in Bavaria. President Obama drink beer in Vietnam with Anthony Bourdain. And, Obama’s chefs brewed beer for the White House. We may have to rename him “President O-beer-ma.”

President Grover Cleveland

President Cleveland, voted by Fitness Magazine as our least healthy president of all time, didn’t brew his beer in the White House (as far as we know), but he loved beer. In fact, early in his career during a campaign for Erie County District Attorney, he and his political opponent vowed to limit their beer consumption to four glasses per day. But, four beers a day proved to be far too limiting, so they both went back to drinking… well, more than four a day. We can only hope they were session beers.

President's Day Grover Cleveland

Teddy Roosevelt: American Badass | Meadowlark Brewing

ABV: 7.9% | IBU: 95

There had to be at least one presidential-themed beer on the list, right? I can’t think of a better beer for this list than one that pays homage to the inspiration for the Teddy Bear, or is that Teddy Beer? As this beer makes clear, the trust-busting, rough rider really was a badass. Speak softly and carry an imperial wheat IPA.

President's Day Teddy Roosevelt American Badass

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