Root Down Brewing Company | Melt Down

Melt Down Oatmeal Stout, a collaboration between Root Down Brewing Company and BeerNERDS, isn’t just another stout. Besides offering terrific, complex flavors, 100% of the proceeds benefit Main Line Deputy Dog, a local nonprofit organization that trains service dogs for those in need.
Opened in 2017, Root Down Brewing Company is one of the many quality breweries that line the streets of suburban Phoenixville, PA, located about 30 miles northwest of Philadelphia. The combination of the breweries and the town’s beer drinking establishments has helped make Phoenixville a favored destination for beer lovers. And, Root Down is a must stop for those seeking the finest Phoenixville has to offer as demonstrated by Melt Down.
Meanwhile, BeerNERDs (NERD being an acronym for Network of Educated Refined Drinkers) is a beer community whose membership has grown to thousands of people who frequent its Facebook group. Naturally, disagreements arise and when they blow out of proportion, they are jokingly referred to as “melt downs.”
ABV: 10.7% | IBU: N/A
We have all seen our social media news feeds riddled with these “melt downs” over politics, sports and everything else in between. So instead of adding fuel to the seemingly endless amount of negativity online, we should all just crack a nice big stout like Melt Down and remember that drinking beer is meant to be an enjoyable experience and, ultimately, a way to bond us!
Melt Down pours opaque black with a dense, brown head. The nose consists of a syrupy sweet scent accompanied by a distinct dark chocolate and roasted malt aroma. One will also notice tang from the molasses. Being an oatmeal stout, the pleasant, smooth and creamy mouthfeel stands out. The taste nails all the things I’ve come to love in big stouts. Right away, your mouth is treated to savory sweetness thanks to the molasses along with a rich, velvety dark chocolate. Those sweet notes are balanced by a roasted bitterness, familiar to any coffee drinker, along with the right amount of heat provided by the stout’s booziness. A small, but tastefully noticeable smokiness also adds an enjoyable touch to the beer.
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