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Dry Dock Brewing Co. | Coffee Stout

Dry Dock Brewing Co. | Coffee Stout
Dan Olds

Being the type of guy who thoroughly loves learning, I recently decided to pursue my Master’s degree. I often second guess my reasoning for adding this onto my already hectic schedule. Even though I know that it will open future options and career endeavors I think subconsciously I enjoy being a life-long college student. My weeks have been transitioning to early morning wake-ups and late night study sessions. A couple months ago, I found myself at my local Starbucks, head in a book, and stressing over a late assignment and my favorite Americano was motivating me as much as I expect. I packed up my bag and headed to my local Aurora brewery for a beer to take my mind away from my never ending studying.

Upon my entry into Dry Dock Brewing Co. my attention was brought to some cans decorated with the face of several peculiar looking hammerhead sharks. Although not normally someone who chooses a “book by the cover,” this time I followed my nerdy instinct of sharks and put the 6-pack on the counter before I even realized the beer style. However I quickly realized that it happened to be a coffee stout. Coffee and beer? My two favorite ingredients to life!

ABV: 5.5% | IBU: 30

Dry Dock’s Coffee Stout is the perfect “Wake up and smell the coffee” beer. This seasonal coffee stout gets the sweetness of milk from added lactose and the bold roast from the addition of Guatemalan and Ethiopian coffees from Coda Coffee. Although the coffee gives a bold punch for a morning wake up, it has a lighter body that pairs well with chocolate aroma. Expertly combining two of man’s greatest creations (coffee and beer), it pairs equally well with eggs and waffles, dark chocolate cake, or a favorite cigar. Coffee Stout is can be found on draft at the brewery or also brought home in 6-pack cans.

More recently, my study habits have been stronger and more relaxing with the addition of Dry Dock’s Coffee Stout in my arsenal of study tools. Sometimes I even forget I am stressed about submitting my paper that is often a day late. I just focus on crushing each day just like the quote that appears on the can next to me “May your coffee beer kick in before reality does.”

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