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Deschutes Brewery | Twilight Summer Ale

Deschutes Brewery | Twilight Summer Ale

Some of the best outdoor memories I have are around the twilight hour. You’re settling in for the evening – dinner is already done, fire stoked and watching the stars peek out as the sun sets. There is something about the feeling of moving with the sun, I am usually up when the sun wakes up and winding down after it sets, you just feel one with the universe.

Deschutes Brewery‘s seasonal offering of Twilight Summer Ale seems to capture these feelings beautifully.

Amber is the Color of Your Energy

This brew has a gorgeous bright amber hue and fluffy head that doesn’t fully dissipate right away; it leaves a soft lace that slides down the glass as you consume the tasty liquid. The malt profile mixed with the taste of grapefruit and citrus play nicely with either other – neither flavor overpowering the other. I am sure you are asking yourself “malt and citrus? are you mad!?” But it works! This would be a great beer to watch the sun set and to bask in the warm campfire light before turning in for the night. And at only 5% ABV it won’t keep you or your pallet up late.


Oregon Brewed

Deschutes Brewery is located in Bend, Oregon, have a pub in Portland, Oregon, and their newest space is located in Roanoke, VA! They happen to be both family and employee-owned (thanks to their employee stock option plan) and their CEO sits on the board for The Conservation Alliance – working to keep the wild… well, wild. They recently started canning some of their core beers as well! Much easier to pack in and pack out!

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