BAD SONS Beer Company | Conn Ale

A microbrewery in Derby, Connecticut is catching some attention due to its beer that is straight bad. Not bad in a literal way, but bad in the “that’s what kids are saying” these days way. BAD SONS Beer Co. offers an abundance of beers, but I want to talk about a specific one that was so good, I checked it in with my baggage on my flight home. If you are looking for a pale ale to satisfy the long drinking days ahead this summer, look no further — Conn Ale is here.
BAD SONS oozes “East Coast.” Just look in the acronym of the brewery’s name, which includes all of the areas that make up the valley.
(B) eacon Falls
(A) nsonia
(D) erby
(S) eymour
(O) xford
(N) augatuck
(S) helton.
BAD SONS is in the heart of the valley, and a lot of heart goes into their beers too.
In sight we see a pale-colored beer with visible carbonation. More on the clear side but a slight haze still sets this pale ale apart as an East Coast craft style. A light, bready malt encompasses the earthy and floral aroma. A strawberry essence lies within the pale ale. No bitter bite from this beer, but the cascade hops are very apparent and add tons of flavor. Easy drinking for many, Conn Ale has the potential to be a big hit.
The tap room was filled with plenty of beers and options to take home, but a four pack of Conn Ale was available, so I couldn’t resist grabbing some and taking it home. For those that stay in the taproom, the friendly beertenders will be happy to find a beer that you love, and tell you about it.
If you are in the Connecticut area, the brewery regularly updates its tap list. And, if Con Ale is available, it is definitely worth the trip. Cheers!
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