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The Weekly Buzz | June 8 – 14

Weekly Buzz

Today is my eighth consecutive day of work. Six of those days were 12-hour shifts. I work another 12-hour day tomorrow. I’m tired. I’m cranky. There hasn’t been enough beer in my diet, so definitely send some of that my way. My social media time was limited, but I gladly burned the candle at both ends for you, my dedicated readers. Raise a pint for me, and enjoy The Weekly Buzz.

Sounds like a great one!

Don’t worry! There were a few made up Internet holidays this week!

This was a loss felt around the world.

Anthony Bourdain had strong opinions, and many had strong opinions about him. The truth is that he inspired many people to look past their narrow line of sight and learn something about the world around them. Depression is a hell of an affliction. If you see a friend or family member struggling, offer them a hand. Don’t wait for them to come to you, or it could be too late.

If the reactions of these breweries (and multitudes of other brewers, cooks, bloggers, foodies, travelers and TV enthusiasts) are any indication, Tony will be missed. In his honor, I encourage you all to get out there and travel. If traveling isn’t an option, try a dish or beverage that scares you. Expand your personal horizons, and help us grow together as a global community.

Did anyone really care about the IHOb publicity stunt?

Can I come see it when it’s done?

The only word I have for this is “yum.”

It’s all happening today!

Look at those wee beasties!

Get your tickets today!

Someone read this page to my kids!

Get out there and clean up some rivers!

Look! One more hashtag holiday!

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