PorchDrinking’s Weekly Atlanta Beer Beat | June 20-26, 2018

The Atlanta Beer Beat sheds light on news of brewery openings, special tappings, firkins and one-off batches, bottle releases, dinners, pairings and more!
Go to the Atlanta Beer Beat Calendar!
Big shout-out to Dogwood Growlers & Brew Supply on celebrating their 5th Anniversary this weekend. Be sure to check out Peachtree City’s all-new Line Creek Brewing Co., who’s official grand opening is Saturday, August, 4.
Don’t miss the Weekly Happenings at SweetWater. And, as always, Reformation is chock-full of events this week.
Anniversaries/Grand Openings | Beer Releases
Wednesday, June 20
- Craft Beer & Food Pairing Lunch Special | Johnnie MacCracken’s
- Trivia Night | Pontoon
- Beer School: Sensory Analysis | Moon River
- Tacos & Trivia | Reformation
- Geeks Who Drink Trivia Night | Service
- Beer Run | Gate City
Thursday, June 21
- Trivia Night w/ Outward Bound Atlanta | Red Brick
- Geeks Who Drink Trivia | Second Self
- Pups & Pints w/ Releash Atlanta | Wild Heaven
- Longest Day Party | Red Hare
- Run Roswell | Gate City
- Throwback Thursday | Monday Night
- Alive in Roswell | Gate City
- Trivia Thursday | Eventide
- Thursday Pint Night | Dry County
- The BBB Event (Band Beer BBQ) | Printer’s Ale
- The LAGERest Day of the Year | Arches
Friday, June 22
- For the Record Vinyl Night | Jailhouse
- Slow Churn Can Release | Monday Night
- Bluegrass By The Pint | Service
- Get Artistic Launch & Celebration | Creature Comforts
- SweetWater 420 Strain G-13 IPA Kickoff Event | Ormsby’s
- Launching the New SweetWater 420 Strain G-13 | Brick Store
- A Hardywood Park Welcome | Smyrna Beer Market
Just take me to the calendar already, man!
Saturday, June 23
- Fxxx Cancer Release | Scofflaw
- Brews & Tunes for Huntington’s | Second Self
- Bourbon Barrel Aged Good S’Morning Bottle Release | Variant
- Trapper’s Brewtality Birthday | Southern Sky
- ATL Girls Pint Out: Explore GA Beer | Cherry Street
- Namaste for a Beer Yoga Flow | Jekyll
- SouthStar Trolley Presents Beer Tours of Augusta
- Dog Networking Agents Inc: Meet & Greet | Savannah River
- Summer Solstice | Wild Leap
Sunday, June 24
- Jeff Mosier & Friends Residency | From The Earth
- Trivia + Beer | Moon River
- Dogwood Growlers 5th Year Anniversary
- Poses & Pours | Dry County
Monday, June 25
- Craft Beer & Food Pairing Lunch Special | Johnnie MacCracken’s
- Moon River’s Lunar Lemon Launch Party | B Matthew’s Eatery
- Beer & Comedy Night | SweetWater
- Comedy Bingo Monday | Piedmont Brewery
- Sunset Yoga | New Realm
- 420 Strain G13 Industry Night | SweetWater
Tuesday, June 26
- Craft Beer & Food Pairing Lunch Special | Johnnie MacCracken’s
- Balance + Brews: Vinyasa Yoga | Pontoon
- Tipsy Trivia | Orpheus
- Weekly Trivia Night | New Realm
Be sure to check out Southern Beer Tours and Beer From Here Brew Tours.
Check out our Atlanta Beer Beat calendar! You can export events to your iCal and/or sort them by your favorite brewery/beer bar, by the day or by the topic with a quick search for keywords.
Whatever you plan to do, make sure you plan appropriate transportation and drink responsibly – use two hands. Don’t drink and drive!
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